basic education

(1) Definitions In this subsection: (A) Basic education The term “basic education” includes— (i) measurable improvements in literacy, numeracy, and other basic skills development that prepare an individual to be an active, productive member of society and the workforce; (ii) workforce development, vocational training, and digital literacy informed by real market needs and opportunities and that results in measurable improvements in employment; (iii) programs and activities designed to demonstrably improve— (I) early childhood, preprimary education, primary education, and secondary education, which can be delivered in formal or nonformal education settings; and (II) learning for out-of-school youth and adults; and (iv) capacity building for teachers, administrators, counselors, and youth workers that results in measurable improvements in student literacy, numeracy, or employment. (B) Communities of learning The term “communities of learning” means a holistic approach to education and community engagement in which schools act as the primary resource center for delivery of a service to the community at large, leveraging and maximizing the impact of other development efforts and reducing duplication and waste. (C) Gender parity in basic education The term “gender parity in basic education” means that girls and boys have equal access to quality basic education. (D) Marginalized children and vulnerable groups The term “marginalized children and vulnerable groups” includes girls, children affected by or emerging from armed conflict or humanitarian crises, children with disabilities, children in remote or rural areas (including those who lack access to safe water and sanitation), religious or ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, orphans and children affected by HIV/AIDS, child laborers, married adolescents, and victims of trafficking. (E) National education plan The term “national education plan” means a comprehensive national education plan developed by partner country governments in consultation with other stakeholders as a means for wide-scale improvement of the country’s education system, including explicit, credible strategies informed by effective practices and standards to achieve quality universal basic education. (F) Nonformal education The term “nonformal education” means organized educational activities outside the established formal system, whether operating separately or as an important feature of a broader activity, that are intended to provide students with measurable improvements in literacy, numeracy, and other basic skills development that prepare an individual to be an active, productive member of society and the workforce. (G) Partner country The term “partner country” means a developing country that participates in or benefits from basic education programs under this subsection pursuant to the prioritization criteria described in paragraph (4), including level of need, opportunity for impact, and the availability of resources. (H) Relevant Executive branch agencies and officials The term “relevant Executive branch agencies and officials” means the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Labor, the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Defense, the Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the National Security Advisor, and the Director of the Peace Corps. (I) Sustainability The term “sustainability” means, with respect to any basic education program that receives funding pursuant to this section, the ability of a service delivery system, community, partner, or beneficiary to maintain, over time, such basic education program without the use of foreign assistance.


22 USC § 2151c(c)(1)

Scoping language

In this subsection
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