excess business holdings redemption needs

(2) Excess business holdings redemption needs The term “excess business holdings redemption needs” means the amount needed (or reasonably anticipated to be needed) to redeem from a private foundation stock which— (A) such foundation held on May 26, 1969 (or which was received by such foundation pursuant to a will or irrevocable trust to which section 4943(c)(5) applies), and (B) constituted excess business holdings on May 26, 1969 , or would have constituted excess business holdings as of such date if there were taken into account (i) stock received pursuant to a will or trust described in subparagraph (A), and (ii) the reduction in the total outstanding stock of the corporation which would have resulted solely from the redemption of stock held by the private foundation.


26 USC § 537(b)(2)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (part I) of this section.
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