qualified opportunity zone business property

(2) Qualified opportunity zone property (A) In general The term “qualified opportunity zone property” means property which is— (i) qualified opportunity zone stock, (ii) qualified opportunity zone partnership interest, or (iii) qualified opportunity zone business property. (B) Qualified opportunity zone stock (i) In general Except as provided in clause (ii), the term “qualified opportunity zone stock” means any stock in a domestic corporation if— (I) such stock is acquired by the qualified opportunity fund after December 31, 2017 , at its original issue (directly or through an underwriter) from the corporation solely in exchange for cash, (II) as of the time such stock was issued, such corporation was a qualified opportunity zone business (or, in the case of a new corporation, such corporation was being organized for purposes of being a qualified opportunity zone business), and (III) during substantially all of the qualified opportunity fund’s holding period for such stock, such corporation qualified as a qualified opportunity zone business. (ii) Redemptions A rule similar to the rule of section 1202(c)(3) shall apply for purposes of this paragraph. (C) Qualified opportunity zone partnership interest The term “qualified opportunity zone partnership interest” means any capital or profits interest in a domestic partnership if— (i) such interest is acquired by the qualified opportunity fund after December 31, 2017 , from the partnership solely in exchange for cash, (ii) as of the time such interest was acquired, such partnership was a qualified opportunity zone business (or, in the case of a new partnership, such partnership was being organized for purposes of being a qualified opportunity zone business), and (iii) during substantially all of the qualified opportunity fund’s holding period for such interest, such partnership qualified as a qualified opportunity zone business. (D) Qualified opportunity zone business property (i) In general The term “qualified opportunity zone business property” means tangible property used in a trade or business of the qualified opportunity fund if— (I) such property was acquired by the qualified opportunity fund by purchase (as defined in section 179(d)(2) ) after December 31, 2017 , (II) the original use of such property in the qualified opportunity zone commences with the qualified opportunity fund or the qualified opportunity fund substantially improves the property, and (III) during substantially all of the qualified opportunity fund’s holding period for such property, substantially all of the use of such property was in a qualified opportunity zone. (ii) Substantial improvement For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii), property shall be treated as substantially improved by the qualified opportunity fund only if, during any 30-month period beginning after the date of acquisition of such property, additions to basis with respect to such property in the hands of the qualified opportunity fund exceed an amount equal to the adjusted basis of such property at the beginning of such 30-month period in the hands of the qualified opportunity fund. (iii) Related party For purposes of subparagraph (A)(i), the related person rule of section 179(d)(2) shall be applied pursuant to paragraph (8) of this subsection in lieu of the application of such rule in section 179(d)(2)(A).


26 USC § 1400Z-2(d)(2)

Scoping language

for purposes of this paragraph
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