smart electric meter

(18) Qualified smart electric meters (A) In general The term “qualified smart electric meter” means any smart electric meter which— (i) is placed in service by a taxpayer who is a supplier of electric energy or a provider of electric energy services, and (ii) does not have a class life (determined without regard to subsection (e)) of less than 16 years. (B) Smart electric meter For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term “smart electric meter” means any time-based meter and related communication equipment which is capable of being used by the taxpayer as part of a system that— (i) measures and records electricity usage data on a time-differentiated basis in at least 24 separate time segments per day, (ii) provides for the exchange of information between supplier or provider and the customer’s electric meter in support of time-based rates or other forms of demand response, (iii) provides data to such supplier or provider so that the supplier or provider can provide energy usage information to customers electronically, and (iv) provides net metering.


26 USC § 168(i)(18)

Scoping language

For purposes of this section
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