small project

(2) Small projects (A) Small project defined In this paragraph, the term “small project” means a project carried out under this chapter with an estimated Federal cost of less than $1,000,000. (B) Delegation of project implementation In carrying out this section, the Secretary, on recommendation of the Council, may delegate implementation of a small project to— (i) the Secretary of the Interior (acting through the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service); (ii) the Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere of the Department of Commerce; (iii) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; or (iv) the Secretary of Agriculture. (C) Funding A small project delegated to the head of a Federal department or agency under this paragraph may be carried out using funds appropriated to the department or agency under section 2908(a)(1) of this title or other funds available to the department or agency. (D) Agreements The head of a Federal department or agency to which a small project is delegated under this paragraph shall enter into an agreement with the non-Federal interest for the project generally in conformance with the criteria in subsections (d) and (e). Cooperative agreements may be used for any delegated project to allow the non-Federal interest to carry out the project on behalf of the Federal agency.


33 USC § 2903(g)(2)

Scoping language

In this paragraph
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