
(16) “court of last resort” means that State court having the highest and final appellate authority of the State. In States having two or more such courts, court of last resort shall mean that State court, if any, having highest and final appellate authority, as well as both administrative responsibility for the State’s judicial system and the institutions of the State judicial branch and rulemaking authority. In other States having two or more courts with highest and final appellate authority, court of last resort shall mean the highest appellate court which also has either rulemaking authority or administrative responsibility for the State’s judicial system and the institutions of the State judicial branch. Except as used in the definition of the term “court of last resort” the term “court” means a tribunal recognized as a part of the judicial branch of a State or of its local government units;


34 USC § 10251(a)(16)

Scoping language

As used in this chapter
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