major medical facility project
(3) For purposes of this subsection: (A) The term “major medical facility project” means a project for the construction, alteration, or acquisition of a medical facility involving a total expenditure of more than the amount specified in paragraph (4), but such term does not include an acquisition by exchange, nonrecurring maintenance projects of the Department, or the construction, alteration, or acquisition of a shared Federal medical facility for which the Department’s estimated share of the project costs does not exceed the amount specified in paragraph (4). (B) The term “major medical facility lease”— (i) means a lease for space for use as a new medical facility approved through the General Services Administration under section 3307(a) of title 40 at an average annual rent equal to or greater than the appropriate dollar threshold described in such section, which shall be subject to annual adjustment in accordance with section 3307(h) of such title; and (ii) does not include a lease for space for use as a shared Federal medical facility for which the Department’s estimated share of the lease costs does not exceed such dollar threshold.