Vietnam-era herbicide-exposed veteran
(4) For purposes of this subsection— (A) The term “Vietnam-era herbicide-exposed veteran” means a veteran who— (i) performed covered service, as defined in section 1116(d) of this title ; or (ii) the Secretary finds may have been exposed during active military, naval, air, or space service to dioxin during the Vietnam era, regardless of the geographic area of such service, or was exposed during such service to a toxic substance found in a herbicide or defoliant used for military purposes during such era, regardless of the geographic area of such service. (B) The term “radiation-exposed veteran” has the meaning given that term in section 1112(c)(3) of this title . (C) The term “toxic exposure risk activity” means any activity— (i) that requires a corresponding entry in an exposure tracking record system (as defined in section 1119(c) of this title ) for the veteran who carried out the activity; or (ii) that the Secretary determines qualifies for purposes of this subsection when taking into account what is reasonably prudent to protect the health of veterans.