covered procurement action

(4) Covered procurement action .— The term “covered procurement action” means any of the following actions, if the action takes place in the course of conducting a covered procurement: (A) The exclusion of a source that fails to meet qualification requirements established under section 3311 of this title for the purpose of reducing supply chain risk in the acquisition or use of covered articles. (B) The exclusion of a source that fails to achieve an acceptable rating with regard to an evaluation factor providing for the consideration of supply chain risk in the evaluation of proposals for the award of a contract or the issuance of a task or delivery order. (C) The determination that a source is not a responsible source as defined in section 113 of this title based on considerations of supply chain risk. (D) The decision to withhold consent for a contractor to subcontract with a particular source or to direct a contractor to exclude a particular source from consideration for a subcontract under the contract.


41 USC § 4713(k)(4)

Scoping language

In this section
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