Indian tribe

(B) Special rule for Indian tribes in Alaska The term “Indian tribe” means, with respect to the State of Alaska, only the Metlakatla Indian Community of the Annette Islands Reserve and the following Alaska Native regional nonprofit corporations: (i) Arctic Slope Native Association. (ii) Kawerak, Inc. (iii) Maniilaq Association. (iv) Association of Village Council Presidents. (v) Tanana Chiefs Conference. (vi) Cook Inlet Tribal Council. (vii) Bristol Bay Native Association. (viii) Aleutian and Pribilof Island Association. (ix) Chugachmuit. (x) Tlingit Haida Central Council. (xi) Kodiak Area Native Association. (xii) Copper River Native Association.


42 USC § 619(4)(B)

Scoping language

As used in this part
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