in-home services

(30) The term “in-home services” includes— (A) services of homemakers and home health aides; (B) visiting and telephone reassurance; (C) chore maintenance; (D) in-home respite care for families, and adult day care as a respite service for families; (E) minor modification of homes that is necessary to facilitate the ability of older individuals to remain at home and that is not available under another program (other than a program carried out under this chapter); (F) personal care services; and (G) other in-home services as defined— (i) by the State agency in the State plan submitted in accordance with section 3027 of this title ; and (ii) by the area agency on aging in the area plan submitted in accordance with section 3026 of this title .


42 USC § 3002(30)

Scoping language

For the purposes of this chapter
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