medical facility
(2) For purposes of this subsection, the term “medical facility” means a facility for the delivery of health services and includes— (A) a hospital, State mental hospital, public health center, outpatient medical facility, rehabilitation facility, facility for long-term care, community mental health center, migrant health center, facility operated by a city or county health department, and community health center; (B) such a facility of a State correctional institution or of the Indian Health Service, and a health program or facility operated by a tribe or tribal organization under the Indian Self-Determination Act [ 25 U.S.C. 5321 et seq.]; (C) such a facility used in connection with the delivery of health services under section 248 of this title (relating to hospitals), 249 of this title (relating to care and treatment of persons under quarantine and others), 250 of this title (relating to care and treatment of Federal prisoners), 251 of this title (relating to examination and treatment of certain Federal employees), 252 of this title (relating to examination of aliens), 253 of this title (relating to services to certain Federal employees), 247e of this title (relating to services for persons with Hansen’s disease), or 254b(h) of this title (relating to the provision of health services to homeless individuals); and (D) a Federal medical facility.