
(2) (A) For purposes of applying this section with respect to any energy conservation contingency plan, the term “resolution” means only a resolution of either House of Congress the matter after the resolving clauses of which is as follows: “That the ___ approves the energy conservation contingency plan numbered ___ submitted to the Congress on ______, 19__.”, the first blank space therein being filled with the name of the resolving House and the other blank spaces being appropriately filled; but does not include a resolution which specifies more than one energy conservation contingency plan. (B) For purposes of applying this subsection with respect to any rationing contingency plan (other than pursuant to section 6261(d)(2)(B) 1 of this title), the term “resolution” means only a joint resolution described in clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph with respect to such plan. (i) A joint resolution of either House of the Congress (I) which is entitled: “Joint resolution relating to a rationing contingency plan.”, (II) which does not contain a preamble, and (III) the matter after the resolving clause of which is: “That the Congress of the United States disapproves the rationing contingency plan transmitted to the Congress on ______, 19__.”, the blank spaces therein appropriately filled. (ii) A joint resolution of either House of the Congress (I) which is entitled: “Joint resolution relating to a rationing contingency plan.”, (II) which does not contain a preamble, and (III) the matter after the resolving clause of which is: “That the Congress of the United States does not object to the rationing contingency plan transmitted to the Congress on ______, 19__.”, the blank spaces therein appropriately filled.


42 USC § 6422(d)(2)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (part C) of this section.
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