distribution transformer

(35) (A) The term “distribution transformer” means a transformer that— (i) has an input voltage of 34.5 kilovolts or less; (ii) has an output voltage of 600 volts or less; and (iii) is rated for operation at a frequency of 60 Hertz. (B) The term “distribution transformer” does not include— (i) a transformer with multiple voltage taps, the highest of which equals at least 20 percent more than the lowest; (ii) a transformer that is designed to be used in a special purpose application and is unlikely to be used in general purpose applications, such as a drive transformer, rectifier transformer, auto-transformer, Uninterruptible Power System transformer, impedance transformer, regulating transformer, sealed and nonventilating transformer, machine tool transformer, welding transformer, grounding transformer, or testing transformer; or (iii) any transformer not listed in clause (ii) that is excluded by the Secretary by rule because— (I) the transformer is designed for a special application; (II) the transformer is unlikely to be used in general purpose applications; and (III) the application of standards to the transformer would not result in significant energy savings.


42 USC § 6291(35)

Scoping language

For purposes of this part
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