WTC-related health condition
(1) In general For purposes of this subchapter, the term “WTC-related health condition” means a condition that— (A) (i) is an illness or health condition for which exposure to airborne toxins, any other hazard, or any other adverse condition resulting from the September 11, 2001 , terrorist attacks, based on an examination by a medical professional with experience in treating or diagnosing the health conditions included in the applicable list of WTC-related health conditions, is substantially likely to be a significant factor in aggravating, contributing to, or causing the illness or health condition, as determined under paragraph (2); or (ii) is a mental health condition for which such attacks, based on an examination by a medical professional with experience in treating or diagnosing the health conditions included in the applicable list of WTC-related health conditions, is substantially likely to be a significant factor in aggravating, contributing to, or causing the condition, as determined under paragraph (2); and (B) is included in the applicable list of WTC-related health conditions or— (i) with respect to a WTC responder, is provided certification of coverage under subsection (b)(2)(B)(iii); or (ii) with respect to a screening-eligible WTC survivor or certified-eligible WTC survivor, is provided certification of coverage under subsection (b)(2)(B)(iii), as applied under section 300mm–32(a) of this title . In the case of a WTC responder described in section 300mm–21(a)(2)(A)(ii) of this title (relating to a surviving immediate family member of a firefighter), such term does not include an illness or health condition described in subparagraph (A)(i).