Aging and Disability Resource Center
(4) The term “Aging and Disability Resource Center” means an entity, network, or consortium established by a State as part of the State system of long-term care, to provide a coordinated and integrated system for older individuals and individuals with disabilities (as defined in section 12102 of this title ), and the caregivers of older individuals and individuals with disabilities, that provides, in collaboration with (as appropriate) area agencies on aging, centers for independent living (as described in part C of chapter 1 of title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( 29 U.S.C. 796f et seq.)), and other aging or disability entities— (A) comprehensive information on the full range of available public and private long-term care programs, options, service providers, and resources within a community, including information on the availability of integrated long-term care services, and Federal or State programs that provide long-term care services and supports through home and community-based service programs; (B) person-centered counseling to assist individuals in assessing their existing or anticipated long-term care needs and goals, and developing and implementing a person-centered plan for long-term services, supports, and care that is consistent with the desires and choices of such an individual and designed to meet the individual’s specific needs, goals, and circumstances; (C) access for individuals to the full range of publicly-supported long-term care services and supports for which the individuals may be eligible, including home and community-based service options, by serving as a convenient point of entry for such programs and supports; and (D) in cooperation with area agencies on aging, centers for independent living described in part C of chapter 1 of title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other community-based entities, including other aging or disability entities, information and referrals regarding available home and community-based services for individuals who are at risk for residing in, or who reside in, institutional settings, so that the individuals have the choice to remain in or to return to the community.