(i)In this subparagraph the term “PADD” means a Petroleum Administration for Defense District. (ii)Not later than 270 days after, the Administrator shall establish by regulation, for each refinery or importer (other than a refiner or importer in a State that has received a waiver underwith respect to gasoline produced for use in that State), standards for toxic air pollutants from use of the reformulated gasoline produced or distributed by the refiner or importer that maintain the reduction of the average annual aggregate emissions of toxic air pollutants for reformulated gasoline produced or distributed by the refiner or importer during calendar years 2001 and 2002 (as determined on the basis of data collected by the Administrator with respect to the refiner or importer). (iii) (I)For any calendar year, the standards applicable to a refiner or importer under clause (ii) shall apply to the quantity of gasoline produced or distributed by the refiner or importer in the calendar year only to the extent that the quantity is less than or equal to the average annual quantity of reformulated gasoline produced or distributed by the refiner or importer during calendar years 2001 and 2002. (II)For any calendar year, the quantity of gasoline produced or distributed by a refiner or importer that is in excess of the quantity subject to subclause (I) shall be subject to standards for emissions of toxic air pollutants promulgated under subparagraph (A) and paragraph (3)(B). (iv)The Administrator shall provide for the granting and use of credits for emissions of toxic air pollutants in the same manner as provided in paragraph (7). (v) (I)Not later than 60 days after, and not later than April 1 of each calendar year that begins after, the Administrator shall publish in the Federal Register a report that specifies, with respect to the previous calendar year— (II)If, in any calendar year, the reduction of the average annual aggregate emissions of toxic air pollutants in a PADD fails to meet or exceed the reduction of the average annual aggregate emissions of toxic air pollutants in the PADD in calendar years 2001 and 2002, the Administrator, not later than 90 days after the date of publication of the report for the calendar year under subclause (I), shall— (vi)Not later than, the Administrator shall promulgate final regulations to control hazardous air pollutants from motor vehicles and motor vehicle fuels, as provided for in(as in effect on), and as authorized under 5of this title. If the Administrator promulgates by such date, final regulations to control hazardous air pollutants from motor vehicles and motor vehicle fuels that achieve and maintain greater overall reductions in emissions of air toxics from reformulated gasoline than the reductions that would be achieved under subsection (k)(1)(B) as amended by this clause, then subsections (k)(1)(B)(i) through (k)(1)(B)(v) shall be null and void and regulations promulgated thereunder shall be rescinded and have no further effect.


42 USC § 7545(k)(1)(B)(i)

Scoping language

In this subparagraph
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