energy conservation measure
(2) The term “energy conservation measure” means an installation or modification of an installation in a building which is primarily intended to maintain or reduce energy consumption and reduce energy costs or allow the use of an alternative energy source, including, but not limited to— (A) insulation of the building structure and systems within the building; (B) storm windows and doors, multiglazed windows and doors, heat absorbing or heat reflective glazed and coated windows and door systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass area, and other window and door system modifications; (C) automatic energy control systems and load management systems; (D) equipment required to operate variable steam, hydraulic, and ventilating systems adjusted by automatic energy control systems; (E) solar space heating or cooling systems, solar electric generating systems, or any combination thereof; (F) solar water heating systems; (G) furnace or utility plant and distribution system modifications including— (i) replacement burners, furnaces, boilers, or any combination thereof, which substantially increases the energy efficiency of the heating system, (ii) devices for modifying flue openings which will increase the energy efficiency of the heating system, (iii) electrical or mechanical furnace ignition systems which replace standing gas pilot lights, and (iv) utility plant system conversion measures including conversion of existing oil- and gas-fired boiler installations to alternative energy sources, including coal; (H) caulking and weatherstripping; (I) replacement or modification of lighting fixtures which replacement or modification increases the energy efficiency of the lighting system without increasing the overall illumination of a facility (unless such increase in illumination is necessary to conform to any applicable State or local building code or, if no such code applies, the increase is considered appropriate by the Secretary); (J) energy recovery systems; (K) cogeneration systems which produce steam or forms of energy such as heat, as well as electricity for use primarily within a building or a complex of buildings owned by a school or hospital and which meet such fuel efficiency requirements as the Secretary may by rule prescribe; (L) such other measures as the Secretary identifies by rule for purposes of this part; and (M) such other measures as a grant applicant shows will save a substantial amount of energy and as are identified in an energy audit prescribed pursuant to section 6325(e)(2) of this title .