covered foundation
(4) Activities (A) Studies, competitions, and projects The Foundation may conduct and support studies, competitions, projects, and other activities that further the purposes of the Foundation described in paragraph (3). (B) Fellowships and grants (i) In general The Foundation may award fellowships and grants for activities relating to research, development, demonstration, maturation, or commercialization of energy and other Department-supported technologies. (ii) Form of award A fellowship or grant under clause (i) may consist of a stipend, health insurance benefits, funds for travel, and funds for other appropriate expenses. (iii) Selection In selecting a recipient for a fellowship or grant under clause (i), the Foundation— (I) shall make the selection based on the technical and commercialization merits of the proposed project of the potential recipient; and (II) may consult with a potential recipient regarding the ability of the potential recipient to carry out various projects that would further the purposes of the Foundation described in paragraph (3). (iv) National Laboratories A National Laboratory that applies for or accepts an award under clause (i) shall not be considered to be engaging in a competitive process. (C) Accessing facilities and expertise The Foundation may work with the Department— (i) to leverage the capabilities and facilities of National Laboratories to commercialize technology; and (ii) to assist with resources, including by providing information on the assets of each National Laboratory that may enable the deployment and commercialization of technology. (D) Training and education The Foundation may support programs that provide training to researchers, scientists, other relevant personnel at National Laboratories and institutions of higher education, and previous or current recipients of or applicants for Department funding to help research, develop, demonstrate, deploy, and commercialize federally funded technology. (E) Maturation funding The Foundation shall support programs that provide maturation funding to researchers to advance the technology of those researchers for the purpose of moving products from a prototype stage to a commercial stage. (F) Stakeholder engagement The Foundation shall convene, and may consult with, representatives from the Department, institutions of higher education, National Laboratories, the private sector, and commercialization organizations to develop programs for the purposes of the Foundation described in paragraph (3) and to advance the activities of the Foundation. (G) Individual and Federal Laboratory-Associated Foundations (i) Definition of covered foundation In this subparagraph, the term “covered foundation” means each of the following: (I) An Individual Laboratory-Associated Foundation. (II) A Federal Laboratory-Associated Foundation established pursuant to subsection (c)(1). (ii) Support The Foundation shall provide support to and collaborate with covered foundations. (iii) Guidelines and templates For the purpose of providing support under clause (ii), the Secretary shall establish suggested guidelines and templates for covered foundations, including— (I) a standard adaptable organizational design for responsible management; (II) standard and legally tenable bylaws and money-handling procedures; and (III) a standard training curriculum to orient and expand the operating expertise of personnel employed by covered foundations. (iv) Affiliations Nothing in this subparagraph requires— (I) an existing Individual Laboratory-Associated Foundation to modify current practices or affiliate with the Foundation; or (II) a covered foundation to be bound by charter or corporate bylaws as permanently affiliated with the Foundation. (H) Supplemental programs The Foundation may carry out supplemental programs— (i) to conduct and support forums, meetings, conferences, courses, and training workshops consistent with the purposes of the Foundation described in paragraph (3); (ii) to support and encourage the understanding and development of data that promotes the translation of technologies from the research stage, through the development and maturation stage, and ending in the market stage; (iii) for writing, editing, printing, publishing, and vending books and other materials relating to research carried out under the Foundation and the Department; and (iv) to conduct other activities to carry out and support the purposes of the Foundation described in paragraph (3). (I) Evaluations The Foundation shall support the development of an evaluation methodology, to be used as part of any program supported by the Foundation, that shall— (i) consist of qualitative and quantitative metrics; and (ii) include periodic third party evaluation of those programs and other activities of the Foundation. (J) Communications The Foundation shall develop an expertise in communications to promote the work of grant and fellowship recipients under subparagraph (B), the commercialization successes of the Foundation, opportunities for partnership with the Foundation, and other activities. (K) Solicitation and use of funds The Foundation may solicit and accept gifts, grants, and other donations, establish accounts, and invest and expend funds in support of the activities and programs of the Foundation. (L) Authority of the foundation The Foundation shall be the sole entity responsible for carrying out the activities described in this paragraph.