
(2) Upon the death of an individual who will not have completed ten years of service prior to January 1, 1975 , but who (i) will have completed ten years of service (or five or more years of service, all of which accrues after December 31, 1995 ) at the time of his death, (ii) will have had a current connection with the railroad industry at the time of his death, and (iii) will have died leaving no widow, surviving divorced wife, widower, child, or parent who would on proper application therefor be entitled to receive an annuity under section 231a(d) of this title for the month in which such death occurred, a lump-sum death payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of section 202(i) of the Social Security Act [ 42 U.S.C. 402(i) ] in an amount equal to the amount which would have been payable under such section 202(i) if such individual’s service as an employee after December 31, 1936 , were included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act. If a lump sum would be payable to a widow or widower under this subdivision except for the fact that a survivor will have been entitled to receive an annuity for the month in which the individual will have died, but within one year after the individual’s death there will not have accrued to survivors of the individual, by reason of his death, annuities which, after all deductions pursuant to section 231a(g) and 231a(h) of this title , are equal to such lump sum, a payment equal to the amount by which such lump sum exceeds such annuities so accrued after such deductions shall then nevertheless be made under this subdivision to the widow or widower to whom a lump sum would have been payable under this subdivision except for the fact that a monthly benefit under section 231a(d) of this title was payable for the month in which the individual died, if such widow or widower will not have died before receiving payment of such lump sum.


45 USC § 231e(b)(2)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (subchapter IV) of this section.
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