commercial motor vehicle

(A)Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the term “commercial motor vehicle”— (i)for calendar years 2008 and 2009, has the meaning given the term in section 31101; and (ii)for years beginning after, means a self-propelled vehicle described in section 31101. (B)With respect to determining the size of a motor carrier or motor private carrier’s fleet in calculating the fee to be paid by a motor carrier or motor private carrier pursuant to subsection (f)(1), the motor carrier or motor private carrier shall have the option to include, in addition to commercial motor vehicles as defined in subparagraph (A), any self-propelled vehicle used on the highway in commerce to transport passengers or property for compensation regardless of the gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle or the number of passengers transported by such vehicle.


49 USC § 14504a(a)(1)(A)

Scoping language

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