eligible recipient

(3) Appalachian development public transportation assistance program.— (A) Definitions .— In this paragraph— (i) the term “Appalachian region” has the same meaning as in section 14102 of title 40 ; and (ii) the term “eligible recipient” means a State that participates in a program established under subtitle IV of title 40. (B) In general .— The Secretary shall carry out a public transportation assistance program in the Appalachian region. (C) Apportionment .— Of amounts made available or appropriated for each fiscal year under section 5338(a)(2)(F) to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary shall apportion funds to eligible recipients for any purpose eligible under this section, based on the guidelines established under section 9.5(b) of the Appalachian Regional Commission Code. (D) Special rule .— An eligible recipient may use amounts that cannot be used for operating expenses under this paragraph for a highway project if— (i) that use is approved, in writing, by the eligible recipient after appropriate notice and an opportunity for comment and appeal are provided to affected public transportation providers; and (ii) the eligible recipient, in approving the use of amounts under this subparagraph, determines that the local transit needs are being addressed.


49 USC § 5311(c)(3)

Scoping language

In this paragraph
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