livestock producer
(1) The term “livestock producer” means— (A) a person that is actively engaged in farming and that receives a substantial amount of total income from the production of grain or livestock, as determined by the Secretary, that is— (i) an established producer or husbander of livestock or a dairy producer who is a citizen of, or legal resident alien in, the United States; or (ii) a farm cooperative, private domestic corporation, partnership, or joint operation in which a majority interest is held by members, stockholders, or partners who are citizens of, or legal resident aliens in, the United States, if such cooperative, corporation, partnership, or joint operation is engaged in livestock production or husbandry, or dairy production; or (B) Any of the following entities that is actively engaged in livestock production or husbandry, or dairy production— (i) any Indian tribe (as defined in section 5304(b) of title 25 ); (ii) any Indian organization or entity chartered under the Act of June 18, 1934 ( 48 Stat. 984 , chapter 576; 25 U.S.C. 461 et seq.), 2 commonly known as the “Indian Reorganization Act”; (iii) any tribal organization (as defined in section 5304(c) of title 25 ); 2 or (iv) any economic enterprise (as defined in section 1452(e) of title 25 );