qualified product or project

(6) Qualified product or project The term “qualified product or project” means— (A) engineering, mechanization, or technology improvements that will address challenges relating to growing, harvesting, handling, processing, storing, packing, and distribution of agricultural products; (B) plant disease or plant pest recovery countermeasures to intentional or unintentional biological threats (including naturally occurring threats), including— (i) replacement or resistant plant cultivars or varieties; (ii) other enhanced management strategies, including novel chemical, biological, or cultural approaches; or (iii) diagnostic or surveillance technology; and (C) veterinary countermeasures to intentional or unintentional biological threats (including naturally occurring threats), including— (i) animal vaccine or therapeutic products (including anti-infective products); or (ii) diagnostic or surveillance technology.


7 USC § 3319k(a)(6)

Scoping language

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