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Código Civil y Comercial: Artículos 19-21 (Comienzo de la existencia)

Article 19 of the Code states that life begins at conception. Article 20 presumes, unless there is evidence to the contrary, that the maximum duration of pregnancy is 300days and the minimum duration is 180 days, excluding the day of birth. Article 21 mandates that the rights and obligations of the person conceived or implanted in the woman are irrevocably acquired if the child is born alive. If the child is not born alive, the person is deemed to have never existed. The presumption is that a person is born alive.

A., R.H. and other v. E.N. M Seguridad – P.F.A. and others

The plaintiff daughters, R.H. and V.C., filed suit against the State government and certain police officials requesting damages for the loss of the lives of their mother, Mrs. S., and father, Mr. A.  The day after her decision to flee her home together with her daughters and reside with other family members, Mrs. S. filed a civil proceeding against Mr. A. for domestic violence.  Mr. A. was prohibited from approaching Mrs. S. and his daughters, and Mrs. S.

B., M.P. v. G., R.A.

M.P.B. suffered repeated domestic violence and abuse at the hands of her husband R.A.G. In civil suit, M.P.B. was granted exclusive control of the spousal home and custody of her children. The court imposed a restraining order on R.A.G.; he was unable to go within 300 meters of the family home, his wife’s work, or the 9 and 12 year-old children’s school. This case is fairly punitive toward the father by Argentinean standards. The judge cited both Argentinean statutes and international human rights law in arriving at her decision.


Case #41.770 - “C.A.”

The victim was twelve to thirteen years old when she had sexual relations with the defendant. There was no presumption of sexual immaturity. It had to be proven by evidence and expert testimony. In this case, the testimony of experts, text message evidence, and the testimony of the victim demonstrated that she was not mature enough to consent to sex. While the outcome of this case was a positive one, the general Argentinean attitude towards statutory rape is not: sexual immaturity must be proven regardless of age.


Causa nro. 44601/2010

Mr. M. R. committed successive acts of violence and made threats against his wife, Mrs. F.M.S.  Upon finding that the declarations made by Ms. F.M.S., photographs and medical reports constituted sufficient probative evidence, the court determined that Mr. M. R. committed simple aggravated assault based on the relationship between the parties and that the threats made against Mrs. F.M.S. were grave and imminent.  Accordingly, the court found sufficient cause to hold the defendant in preventative confinement.


Causa Nº 4.792/13

Defendant Mr. H.R.A was convicted of aggravated homicide based on his prior ties and relationship with the victim, Ms. N.A. (his partner), whom he murdered with a gun.  Mr. H.RA. was sentenced to life in prison pursuant to Law No.

Código Civil y Comercial: Artículos 2433-2436 (Sucesión del cónyuge)

If the descendants inherit, the spouse shares in the hereditary estate in the same proportion as sons and/or daughters. If the ascendants inherit, half of the inheritance corresponds to the spouse. In the absence of descendants and ascendants, the spouse inherits the entirety of the estate. The spouse does not inherit if the deceased dies within 30 days of the marriage due to an illness, which existed at the time of marriage and was known by the survivor to have a foreseeable fatal outcome, unless, the marriage was preceded by a union in joint habitation.

Código Civil y Comercial: Artículos 638-639, 642, 646-647, 654 (Responsabilidades, deberes y derechos de los padres)

Article 638 defines parental responsibility as the set of parental duties and rights relating to the person and property of the children for the children’s protection, development, and education while they are minors. These responsibilities are governed by three principles set out in article 639: a) the best interests of the child; b) the progressive autonomy of the child based on his or her psychophysical characteristics, aptitudes, and development.

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