Right to Health
Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act
The 2018 Act permits (i) abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy by a medical practitioner who has a certified, reasonable good-faith opinion that the pregnancy has not exceeded 12 weeks (Section 12); (ii) where two medical practitioners have a good-faith opinion that that there is a risk to the life, or of serious harm to the health, of the pregnant woman, that the fetus has not yet reached viability, and that it is appropriate to carry out the termination of pregnancy to avert these risks (Section 9), or that there is a condition affecting the fetus that is likely to lead to the d
Loi Portant Répression de la Pratique des Mutilations Génitales Féminines (Act No. 2003-03 on the Suppression of Female Genital Mutilation)
This law criminalizes female genital mutilation (“FGM”), except if surgery is required for medical reasons and carried out on the basis of medical prescriptions. An individual found guilty of performing FGM of any kind, or assisting in the performance of the mutilation, can face up to three years in prison and a fine of up to 3,000,000 francs. If the mutilation was carried out on a minor, the prison sentence is between three to five years.
Битва за свободу. Становище ЛГБТ-спільноти в Україні у 2022 році, Правозахисний ЛГБТ-центр "Наш світ" (The battle for freedom. The situation of the LGBTQ community in Ukraine in 2022)
This report by LGBT Human Rights Center “Our World” contains a comprehensive analysis of the situation of the LGBTQ community in various spheres of social life, including relations with state and law enforcement agencies, the church, and the general public. The experts also investigated violations committed by the occupation authorities. The authors draw attention to legislative shortcomings in Ukraine in terms of regulating the status of LGBTQ communities.