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In the Matter of Dwayne M. Brown

The court upheld an elected clerk’s three-year suspension from the practice of law for various acts, including sexual advances toward female employees in the clerk’s office.  Six female employees made allegations that he sexually harassed them.  Respondent attempted to argue that his actions toward the employees did not meet the standard for “13” as defined by the EEOC.  The Court found that it did not need to rely on a federal agency’s definition to “find that the respondent’s creation and perpetuation of a work environment infected with inappropriate and unwelcome sexual ad

Joslyn v. State

Stephanie Livingston moved in with Richard Joslyn, her third cousin, following a breakup with her youngest son’s father.  She lived with him for six months and struggled with alcohol.  She learned later that Joslyn recorded a video of them engaging in sexual intercourse but has no memory of the act.  Later she moved in with her mother and applied ex parte for a protective order under the Indiana Civil Protective Order Act.  The court issued the order which “prohibited Joslyn from having any contact with Livingston.”  A deputy served Joslyn with a copy of the order b

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