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Akcioni Plan implementacije Strategije suprotstavljanja trgovini ljudima (National Action Plan to counter human trafficking)

This document provides a background to the history of trafficking in human beings in Bosnia and reflects on the implementation of the previous counter-trafficking plan, which was in place for 2013-2015.  International resources, including the international political and legal framework, are explained in the context of the counter-trafficking plan in Bosnia.  Specific actions are detailed to achieve each of five strategic objectives: (1) improve the support system for combating trafficking; (2) efficiently prosecute trafficking and related crimes; (3) prevent THB through risk reduction; (4) efficiently protect and assist trafficking victims; (5) strengthen the partnership and cooperation among stakeholders involved in combating trafficking.  English translation of 2016-2019 plan available here. 2020-2023 plan in Bosnian available here. 2013-2015 plan in Bosnian available here and in English here.

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