Article 5 - Teacher Education Loan Program
- § 20 AAC 15.200 - Purpose of teacher education loan program
- § 20 AAC 15.205 - Administration
- § 20 AAC 15.210 - Filing of application
- § 20 AAC 15.215 - Applicant eligibility
- § 20 AAC 15.220 - Priority ranking of applicants
- § 20 AAC 15.225 - Computation of authorized loan awards (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.230 - Conditions of loans
- § 20 AAC 15.235 - Disbursement of loan awards (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.240 - Repayment of loans (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.245 - Deferment of payments (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.250 - Forgiveness benefits
- § 20 AAC 15.255 - Default (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.260 - Appeals to the executive director (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.265 - Appeals to the commission (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.270 - Complaint file (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.275 - Loan audit and institutional sanctions (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.295 - Definitions
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.