Division 05 - Parks Division

  1. Rule 013.05.02-001 - 2003 Arkansas State Parks Fees and Rates
  2. Rule 013.05.03-001 - Park Directive 3070 - Firearms, Explosives, and Fireworks
  3. Rule 013.05.03-002 - Park Directive 3185 - Use Permits
  4. Rule 013.05.03-003 - Park Directive 2000 - Calendar Year 2004 Fees and Rates
  5. Rule 013.05.04-001 - Calendar Year 2005 Arkansas State Parks Fees and Rates
  6. Rule 013.05.05-004 - Park Directive 2000: Calendar Year 2006 Fees and Rates
  7. Rule 013.05.06-001 - Park Directive 2000 - State Parks 2007 Fees and Rates
  8. Rule 013.05.07-001 - Park Directive 2000 - State Parks 2008 Fees and Rates
  9. Rule 013.05.08-001 - 2009 Fees and Rates for State Parks
  10. Rule 013.05.09-001 - PD2000: Bull Shoals Dam Powerhouse Tour, PD 3155: Pet Policy for State Park Cabins, PD 3210: Motorboat Regulations on State Park Lakes
  11. Rule 013.05.09-002 - 2010 Fees and Rates for Arkansas State Parks
  12. Rule 013.05.09-003 - Rules for the Search Area for the Crater of Diamonds State Park - PD 2205
  13. Rule 013.05.10-001 - Park Directive 2000 - State Parks 2011 Fees and Rates
  14. Rule 013.05.10-003 - PD 3230 - Historic Weapons Rules and Regulations
  15. Rule 013.05.10-004 - PD 3240 - Historic Weapons Safety Rules for Living History Participants
  16. Rule 013.05.11-001 - Policy Directive 3250: Department of Justice (DOJ) ADA Regulation on Mobility Devices
  17. Rule 013.05.11-002 - PD 2000: 2012 fees and rates for Arkansas State Parks
  18. Rule 013.05.12-001 - PD 2000: 2013 fees and rates for Arkansas State Parks
  19. Rule 013.05.13-001 - PD 2000: 2014 fees and rates for Arkansas State Parks
  20. Rule 013.05.13-002 - Use of Motorized Scooters (PD 3095)
  21. Rule 013.05.13-003 - Camping Discounts
  22. Rule 013.05.13-004 - Display of Tourism Brochures (PD 1160)
  23. Rule 013.05.14-001 - Hang Gliding and Paragliding Rules and Regulations
  24. Rule 013.05.14-002 - Rappelling and Rock Climbing Rules and Regulations
  25. Rule 013.05.14-003 - Arkansas State Parks - 2015 Fees and Rates
  26. Rule 013.05.15-001 - Pet Policy for State Park Cabins and Lodges (PD 3155)
  27. Rule 013.05.15-002 - Arkansas State Parks License Plate Funds (PD 1025)
  28. Rule 013.05.15-003 - 2016 Fees and Rates for Arkansas State Parks
  29. Rule 013.05.15-004 - PD 1191: Smoking Policy
  30. Rule 013.05.16-001 - PD 2000 - CY 2017 Fees and Rates for Arkansas State Parks
  31. Rule 013.05.17-001 - PD 2000 - CY 2018 Fees and Rates for Arkansas State Parks
  32. Rule 013.05.17-003 - Outdoor Recreation Fun Park Grants Rule
  33. Rule 013.05.17-004 - Outdoor Recreation Matching Grants Rule
  34. Rule 013.05.19-001 - PD 2000- CY 2019 Fees and Rates for Arkansas State Parks

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.