Division 06 - Medical Services
- Rule 016.06.04-070 - Children's Services Targeted Case Management Update Transmittal #5
- Rule 016.06.04-080 - State Plan Transmittal #2004-015 - Hospital Update #70 and Physician Update #91
- Rule 016.06.04-082 - DDS Alternative Community Services (ACS) Update #46
- Rule 016.06.04-083 - DMS-2004-R-20, DMS-2004-J-1: Exogen - Ultrasonic Osteogenic Stimulator for Treatment of Non-Union Fractures
- Rule 016.06.04-086 - Official Notice DMS-2004-L-19, DMS-2004-R-21
- Rule 016.06.04-087 - DMS-2004-A-7; DMS-2004-L-17; DMS-2004-R-18
- Rule 016.06.05-002 - Transportation Update #61- Medicaid Participation Requirements
- Rule 016.06.05-003 - Personal Care Provider Manual Update #58 - Level I ALFs and Level II ALFs may enroll in the Arkansas Medicaid Personal Care Program
- Rule 016.06.05-006 - Official Notice DMS-2005-A-1, DMS-2005-AR-1, DMS-2005-HH-1, DMS-2005-G-1, DMS-2005-CA-1, DMS-2005-Z-1, DMS-2005-X-1, DMS-2005-II-1, DMS-2005-L-1, DMS-2005-SS-1, DMS-2005-KK-1, DMS-2005-R-1, DMS-2005-Y-1
- Rule 016.06.05-007 - Child Health Services EPSDT Update #57
- Rule 016.06.05-009 - Hearing Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #49
- Rule 016.06.05-010 - Private Duty Nursing Update Transmittal #56
- Rule 016.06.05-011 - Development Disabilities Day Treatment Clinic Services Provider Manual Update #60
- Rule 016.06.05-012 - Transportation Provider Manual Update Transmittal #67
- Rule 016.06.05-013 - Division of Youth Services (DYS) and Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Targeted Case Management Update #4
- Rule 016.06.05-014 - Children's Services Targeted Case Management Update #12
- Rule 016.06.05-015 - Ventilator Update #50
- Rule 016.06.05-016 - Visual Care Update Transmittal #62
- Rule 016.06.05-017 - Child Health Services/Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Update #63
- Rule 016.06.05-018 - Nurse Practitioner Update Transmittal #52
- Rule 016.06.05-019 - Rehabilitative Hospital Provider Manual Update Transmittal #53
- Rule 016.06.05-020 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Update Transmittal #76
- Rule 016.06.05-021 - ARKids First-B Update Transmittal #23
- Rule 016.06.05-022 - ElderChoices Update Transmittal #50
- Rule 016.06.05-023 - DDS Alternative Community Services (ACS) Update #51
- Rule 016.06.05-024 - Rehabilitative Services for Youth and Children (RSYC) Update Transmittal #14
- Rule 016.06.05-025 - Licensed Mental Health Practitioners (LMHP) Update Transmittal #44
- Rule 016.06.05-026 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update #94
- Rule 016.06.05-027 - DMS-2005-W-1: 2004 HCPCS Final Procedure Code Conversion
- Rule 016.06.05-028 - Section I of All Arkansas Medicaid provider manuals
- Rule 016.06.05-029 - Home Health Update Transmittal #69
- Rule 016.06.05-030 - Rule for Licensure of Residential Long Term Care Facilities: Section 310 - Incident Reporting
- Rule 016.06.05-033 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal - Section V
- Rule 016.06.05-034 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 48
- Rule 016.06.05-036 - Section III - All Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.05-038 - Arkansas Medicaid Provider Manuals Section V - DMS-653
- Rule 016.06.05-039 - Revisions to licensure regulations for long term care facilities in how to file administrative appeals
- Rule 016.06.05-040 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) Update #59
- Rule 016.06.05-041 - Prosthetics Update #67
- Rule 016.06.05-043 - Developmental Rehabilitation Services Update Transmittal #14
- Rule 016.06.05-046 - Section II: Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services - Provider Manual Update Transmittal No. 41
- Rule 016.06.05-047 - Certified Nurse-Midwife Update Transmittal #59
- Rule 016.06.05-048 - DDS Alternative Community Services (ACS) Waiver - Provider Manual Update Transmittal #54
- Rule 016.06.05-049 - Rules for the Arkansas Long Term Care Facility Nursing Assistant Traning Program
- Rule 016.06.05-050 - Rules for Conducting Criminal Record Checks for Employees of Long Term Care Facilities
- Rule 016.06.05-051 - Child Health Management Services (CHMS) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #57
- Rule 016.06.05-052 - School-Based Mental Health Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 17
- Rule 016.06.05-053 - Official Notice DMS-2005-W-2 - 2005 HCPCS Procedure Code Conversion
- Rule 016.06.05-054 - State Plan Transmittal #2003-001
- Rule 016.06.05-055 - State Plan Amendment #2005-005
- Rule 016.06.05-057 - Child Health Management Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #63
- Rule 016.06.05-058 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/ Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #97
- Rule 016.06.05-059 - Rehabilitative Hospital Provider Manual Update Transmittal #51
- Rule 016.06.05-060 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #68
- Rule 016.06.05-061 - Prosthetics Provider Manual Update Transmittal #72
- Rule 016.06.05-062 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #80
- Rule 016.06.05-063 - Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #49
- Rule 016.06.05-064 - Development Day Treatment Clinic Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #61
- Rule 016.06.05-065 - Child Health Management Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #58
- Rule 016.06.05-066 - Home Health Provider Manual Update Transmittal #62
- Rule 016.06.05-068 - State Plan Amendment #2005-009
- Rule 016.06.05-069 - Hospital / Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/ End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #84; Physician / Independent Lab / CCRNA / Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #104; Nurse Practitioner Provider Manual Update Transmittal #60; Certified Nurse Midwife Provider Manual Update Transmittal #67
- Rule 016.06.05-073 - State Plan Amendment #2005-008
- Rule 016.06.05-074 - Rate Increase for Under 16 Bed ICF/MR Facilities
- Rule 016.06.05-075 - Developmental Rehabilitation Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #17
- Rule 016.06.05-076 - Podiatrist Provider Manual Update Transmittal #60
- Rule 016.06.05-078 - Prescription Drug Coverage for Dual Eligibles Covered By Medicare - DMS-2005-O-1, DMS-2005-G-2, DMS-2005-II-3, DMS-2005-L-3, DMS-2005-KK-2, DMS-2005-Q-2, DMS-2005-R-3, DMS-2005-OO-2
- Rule 016.06.05-079 - DMS-2005-W-3: Medical Treatment for Hurricane Katrina Evacuees
- Rule 016.06.05-080 - DMS-2005-RC-1: Health Care Provider - Children?s Services Respite Care
- Rule 016.06.05-081 - ElderChoices Update Transmittal #59
- Rule 016.06.05-082 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Update #105
- Rule 016.06.05-083 - Visual Care Update Transmittal #70 and State Plan Transmittal #2005-011
- Rule 016.06.05-084 - Certified Nurse-Midwife Provider Manual Update Transmittal #66; Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services (DDTCS) PRovider Manual Update Transmittal #67; Nurse Practitioner Provider Manual Update Transmittal #59; Physician?Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #103
- Rule 016.06.05-085 - Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #52
- Rule 016.06.05-086 - ElderChoices Home and Community-Based 2176 Waiver Provider Manual Update Transmittal #55
- Rule 016.06.05-087 - Home Health Provider Manual Update Transmittal #70; Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #70; Rehabilitative Hospital Provider Manual Update Transmittal #54
- Rule 016.06.05-088 - Transportation Provider Manual Update Transmittal #73; Vision Care Provider Manual Update Transmittal #68; Private Duty Nursing Provider Manual Update Transmittal #61
- Rule 016.06.05-089 - Rehabilitative Services for Youth and Children Provider Manual Update Transmittal #19; Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Provider Manual Update Transmittal #49; ARKids First-B Provider Manual Update Transmittal #28; School-Based Mental Health Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #22
- Rule 016.06.05-090 - DMS-2005-CA-2, DMS-2005-II-2; DMS-2005-L-2; DMS-2005-R-2; DMS-2005-OO-1 - 2006 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
- Rule 016.06.05-091 - ElderChoices Home and Community-Based 2176 Waiver Provider Manual Update Transmittal #56
- Rule 016.06.05-092 - Child Health Services / Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #69; Ventilator Equipment Provider Manual Update Transmittal #55; Division of Youth Services (DYS) and Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Targeted Case Management Provider Manual Update Transmittal #9; Children's Services Targeted Case Management Provider Manual Update Transmittal #17; DDS Alternative Community Services (ACS) Waiver Program Provider Manual Update Transmittal #57; Prosthetics Provider Manual Update Transmittal #74
- Rule 016.06.05-093 - Section I - All Arkansas Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.05-094 - Donation of Unused Medications to Charitable Clinics
- Rule 016.06.05-095 - Minimum Staffing for Nursing Homes
- Rule 016.06.05-097 - Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy Services Update Transmittal #55
- Rule 016.06.05-098 - Visual Care Provider Manual Update Transmittal #66
- Rule 016.06.05-099 - Child Health Services / Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #71
- Rule 016.06.05-100 - Section I Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.05-101 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Physical Disabilities Provider Manual Update Transmittal #38
- Rule 016.06.05-102 - Flu Vaccine Rate Increase
- Rule 016.06.05-104 - Provisional Licensure for Long-Term Care Facilities - Post Acute Head Injury Facility; Small ICF/MR; Large ICF/MR; Residential Care Facility; Nursing Home; Assisted Living Facility -Level I; Assisted Living Facility - Level II
- Rule 016.06.05-111 - Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities Waiver Provider Manual Update #31
- Rule 016.06.05-112 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Policy Update #107; Hospital/Critical Access/End-Stage Renal Disease Policy Update #88; Pharmacy Update #83; Official Notice DMS-2005-KK-3
- Rule 016.06.06-003 - Procedures for Determination of Medical Need for Nursing Home Services
- Rule 016.06.06-005 - Next-Business-Day Reporting of Incidents
- Rule 016.06.06-006 - Podiatrist Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #62
- Rule 016.06.06-007 - Dental Provider Manual Update Transmittal #83
- Rule 016.06.06-008 - DDS Alternative Community Services (ACS) Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 60
- Rule 016.06.06-009 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/ Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #111; Nurse Practition Provider Manual Update Transmittal #65; Child Health Services (EPSDT) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #73
- Rule 016.06.06-010 - Medicaid Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities Waiver Provider Manual Update Transmittal #32
- Rule 016.06.06-011 - Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy Services Update Transmittal #56
- Rule 016.06.06-012 - Ambulatory Surgical Center Update No. 64; Hospital Update No. 91 and Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Update No. 109
- Rule 016.06.06-014 - 2006 National CPT and HCPCS Procedure Codes.
- Rule 016.06.06-015 - Ambulatory Surgical Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #66
- Rule 016.06.06-016 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #89 - Hospital Update #89
- Rule 016.06.06-018 - State Plan Transmittal #2005-010
- Rule 016.06.06-020 - Chiropractic Provider Manual Update Transmittal #61; Dental Provider Manual Update Transmittal #82; ElderChoices Provider Manual Update Transmittal #60; Federally Qualified Health Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #55; Nurse Practitioner Provider Manual Update Transmittal #62; Physician/CRNA/Independent Lab/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #108; Podiatrist Provider Manual Update Transmittal #63; Portable X-Ray Provider Manual Update Transmittal #52; Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Provider Manual Update Transmittal #65
- Rule 016.06.06-021 - Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly Provider Manual and State Plan Amendment #2004-001
- Rule 016.06.06-022 - Medical Needs Determination
- Rule 016.06.06-023 - Official Notice DMS-2006-A-3, DMS-2006-AR-2, DMS-2006-G-2, DMS-2006-II-3, DMS-2006-L-3, DMS-2006-KK-3, DMS-2006-R-3, DMS-2006-OO-2 - Vaccines Available in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program
- Rule 016.06.06-025 - Section I - All Arkansas Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.06-026 - Section V - Forms - All Medicaid Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.06-027 - Prosthetics Update #81 and Certified Nurse Midwife Update #74
- Rule 016.06.06-028 - Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities Update #38
- Rule 016.06.06-029 - ARKids First B Update Transmittal #33
- Rule 016.06.06-030 - Private Duty Nursing Update Transmittal #68
- Rule 016.06.06-031 - Certified Nurse Midwife Update Transmittal #60
- Rule 016.06.06-032 - Visual Care Transmittal Update #76
- Rule 016.06.06-033 - Section V - Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.06-034 - Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services Update Transmittal #60
- Rule 016.06.06-035 - Nursing Assistant Training Program - Alzheimer's Tranining
- Rule 016.06.06-036 - Daily Staffing Log for Nursing Facilities
- Rule 016.06.06-038 - Section IV- Update of all Provider Policy Manuals
- Rule 016.06.06-039 - Visual Care Transmittal Update #78
- Rule 016.06.06-040 - Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services Update Transmittal #63
- Rule 016.06.06-041 - ARKids First B Update Transmittal #36
- Rule 016.06.06-044 - Transportation Provider Manual Update Transmittal #82
- Rule 016.06.06-045 - ARKids First-B Provider Manual Update Transmittal #38
- Rule 016.06.06-046 - Hearing Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #63
- Rule 016.06.06-047 - Visual Care Provider Manual Update Transmittal #80
- Rule 016.06.06-049 - Pharmacy Provider Manual Update Transmittal #90
- Rule 016.06.06-050 - All Providers Official Notice DMS-2006-W-4 - 2007 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
- Rule 016.06.06-051 - Section III - Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.06-052 - Section I - Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.06-053 - Child Health Services / Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Update Transmittal #78
- Rule 016.06.06-054 - Hearing Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #65
- Rule 016.06.06-055 - Vaccines Available in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program
- Rule 016.06.06-056 - Prosthetics Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 85
- Rule 016.06.06-057 - DMS-2006-A-4, DMS-2006-O-3, DMS-2006-X-1, DMS-2006-II-4, DMS-2006-L-4, DMS-2006-SS-3, DMS-2006-KK-4, DMS-2006-R-4, DMS-2006-OO-3 - Family Planning Services
- Rule 016.06.06-058 - Rules for Adult Day Care Providers
- Rule 016.06.06-059 - Rules for Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Providers in Arkansas
- Rule 016.06.06-060 - Rules for Nursing Homes - Wireless Nurse Call Systems
- Rule 016.06.06-061 - Child Health Management Services (CHMS) Update Transmittal #76; Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Sevices (DDTCS) Transmittal #79; Home Health Update Transmittal #86; Hospital/CAH/End-Stage Renal Disease Update Transmittal #105; Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy Update Transmittal #68; Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Update Transmittal #122; and Rehabilitative Hospital Update Transmittal #71
- Rule 016.06.06-062 - Arkansas Medicaid Chiropractic Provider Manual Update #68
- Rule 016.06.06-063 - Medicare/Medicaid Crossover Only Update Transmittal #46
- Rule 016.06.06-064 - Hyperalimentation Update Transmittal #75 & Section V Provider Manual Update Transmittal all manuals
- Rule 016.06.06-065 - Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services Manual Update Transmittal #78
- Rule 016.06.06-066 - Portable X-Ray Services Update Transmittal #59
- Rule 016.06.06-067 - Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #71
- Rule 016.06.06-068 - State Plan Amendment #2006-015 - U.S. Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
- Rule 016.06.06-069 - Child Health Services / Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Update Transmittal #80
- Rule 016.06.06-070 - Rate Increase for Under 16 Bed ICF/MR Facilities
- Rule 016.06.06-072 - Title XIX State Plan Amendment 2006-013
- Rule 016.06.06-073 - Medicaid State Plan Amendment #2006-005
- Rule 016.06.06-074 - State Plan Amendment #2006-001 and Dental Update #85
- Rule 016.06.06-075 - State Plan Amendment #2006-007 and Hospital Update #104
- Rule 016.06.06-076 - Transportation Update Transmittal #86
- Rule 016.06.06-077 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #86
- Rule 016.06.06-078 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Policy Manual Update #112
- Rule 016.06.06-079 - State Plan Amendment #2006-008 and Hospice Update #55
- Rule 016.06.06-080 - ARKids First Provider Manual Update Transmittal #47
- Rule 016.06.06-081 - Section V Update - All Providers and Prosthetics Update #90
- Rule 016.06.06-083 - Child Health Management Services (CHMS) Update #71 and Section V Provider Manual Update
- Rule 016.06.07-001 - 2007 HCPCS & CPT Procedure Code Conversion Official Notices
- Rule 016.06.07-002 - State Plan Amendment #2007-007
- Rule 016.06.07-003 - State Plan #2006-014; Visual Care Update #82; Section V-DMS-0101
- Rule 016.06.07-005 - Hospital Update Number 96 and Arkansas State Plan Amendment #2006-003
- Rule 016.06.07-006 - Home Health Update Number #82 and Arkansas State Plan Amendment #2006-012
- Rule 016.06.07-007 - State Plan Transmittal #2007-010 and Section III of all Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.07-008 - Visual Care No. 98 and Arkansas Medicaid State Plan Amendment #2007-012
- Rule 016.06.07-010 - Hyperalimentation Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 89
- Rule 016.06.07-011 - Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 78
- Rule 016.06.07-012 - Division of Developmental Disabilities Alternative Community Service (DDS ACS) Transmittal Update 84
- Rule 016.06.07-013 - Child Health Management Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 90
- Rule 016.06.07-014 - Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services Provider Manual Update # 92
- Rule 016.06.07-015 - Personal Care Provider Manual Update Transmittal #94
- Rule 016.06.07-016 - Physician Services Provider Manual Update Transmittal #140; Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update #124; Home Health Provider Manual #103
- Rule 016.06.07-017 - Official Notice DMS-2007-W-2: FFY 2008 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
- Rule 016.06.07-019 - Prosthetics Update Transmittal #96, Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Update Transmittal #129, and ARKids First-B Update #58
- Rule 016.06.07-022 - Section V Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.07-023 - Section I Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.07-024 - Medicare/Medicaid Crossover Only Provider Manual Update Transmittal #56
- Rule 016.06.07-025 - ElderChoices Home and Community-Based (H&CB) 2176 Waiver Provider Manual Update Transmittal #79
- Rule 016.06.07-026 - Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities Waiver Provider Manual Update Transmittal #55
- Rule 016.06.07-027 - Dental Provider Manual Update Transmittal #99
- Rule 016.06.07-034 - State Plan Amendment #2007-003 - Inpatient Hospital Services
- Rule 016.06.07-036 - Manufacturer Appeal of Nonconforming State Supplemental Drug Rebate Offers
- Rule 016.06.07-037 - Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #127
- Rule 016.06.07-042 - Water Temperatures in residential Care Facilities
- Rule 016.06.07-043 - Electronic Records and Signatures for Nursing Facilities
- Rule 016.06.07-044 - Pharmacy Update #100 & State Plan Amendment #2007-009
- Rule 016.06.07-047 - ARKids First B Provider Manual Update Transmittal #56
- Rule 016.06.07-048 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - Provider Manual Update Transmittal #113
- Rule 016.06.07-052 - Section IV Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.07-053 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal #89 - Rehabilitative Hospital
- Rule 016.06.07-054 - Section I Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.07-055 - Living Choices Assisted Living Provider Manual Update Transmittal #41
- Rule 016.06.07-056 - Official Notice DMS-2007-A-4, DMS-2007-0-5, DMS-2007-X-2, DMS-2007-II-6, DMS-2007-L-6, DMS-2007-SS-2, DMS-2007-KK-5, DMS-2007-R-4 and DMS-2007-OO-5 - Family Planning Services
- Rule 016.06.07-057 - Official Notice DMS-2007-A-5, DMS-2007-0-6, DMS-2007-HH-2, DMS-2007-CA-4, DMS-2007-Z-3, DMS-2007-X-3, DMS-2007-II-7, DMS-2007-I-2, DMS-2007-L-7, DMS-2007-KK-6, DMS-2007-Q-3, DMS-2007-R-7, DMS-2007-EE-3, DMS-2007-S-1, DMS-2007-Y-2, DMS-2007-OO-6, DMS-2007-T-1 - Implementation of the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Requiring National Drug Codes (NDC) When Billing Drug Procedure Codes
- Rule 016.06.07-058 - Child Health Management Services #97; Physical and Speech Therapy #89; Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services #99; Hospital/CAH/End-Stage Renal Disease #128; Physician/Independent Laboratory/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center #144; Rehabilitative Hospital #91; RSPMI #92; HomeHealth #106; Nurse Practitioner #87
- Rule 016.06.07-060 - Inpatient Psychiatric Services for Under Age 21 Update #87 & Arkansas Medicaid State Plan Amendment #2007-006
- Rule 016.06.07-062 - State Plan Amendment #2007-013 - PASRR
- Rule 016.06.07-063 - Prosthetics Provider Manual Update Transmittal #94
- Rule 016.06.07-064 - Point of Care Medication Management System
- Rule 016.06.07-065 - Targeted Case Management Update Transmittal #62 and State Plan Amendment #2007-008
- Rule 016.06.07-066 - State Plan Amendment #2007-004; Section V Providers Manual Update Transmittal; Personal Care Update #75
- Rule 016.06.08-005 - ARKids First B Provider Manual Update Transmittal # 71
- Rule 016.06.08-004 - Prosthetics Update 115
- Rule 016.06.08-006 - State Plan Transmittal #2007-025 - Dental Services
- Rule 016.06.08-007 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Update Transmittal #100
- Rule 016.06.08-008 - 2008 HCPCS & CPT Procedure Code Conversion
- Rule 016.06.08-009 - State Plan Amendment #2007-023 & New Independent Choices Manual
- Rule 016.06.08-010 - Podiatrist Provider Manual Update Transmittal #99; Ambulatory Surgical Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #103; Hospital, Critical Access Hospital (CAH), End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Provider Manual Update Transmittal #138; Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #153
- Rule 016.06.08-013 - Sections I & III of all Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.08-014 - State Plan Amendment #2007-019
- Rule 016.06.08-015 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital/End Stage Renal Disease Update Transmittal #140
- Rule 016.06.08-017 - Prosthetics Update #117 & Hyperalimentation Update #110
- Rule 016.06.08-020 - Child Health Management Services Update #107 & Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Update #103
- Rule 016.06.08-022 - Hospital/Critical Access Hospital/End-Stage Renal Disease Update #139; Rehabilitative Hospital Update #99; Child Health Management Service Update #105; Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services (DDTCS) Update #107; Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services Update #96; Physician / Independent Lab / CRNA / Radiation Therapy Center Update #155;
- Rule 016.06.08-023 - Section I and Section V Provider Manual Update
- Rule 016.06.08-024 - DMS-2008-J-5: Prosthetics - Additional Modifiers for Nutritional Formulas for Beneficiaries Ages 0 through 4 years
- Rule 016.06.08-025 - Rate Increase for Under 16 Bed ICF/MR Facilities
- Rule 016.06.08-026 - Long Term Care: Section 700 - Green Houses
- Rule 016.06.08-027 - Podiatrist Provider Manual Update Transmittal #102
- Rule 016.06.08-028 - Transition of the Retrospective Therapy Reviews and Prior Authorizations for Personal Care under 21
- Rule 016.06.08-030 - Personal Care Provider Manual Update Transmittal #107
- Rule 016.06.08-031 - Child Health Services / Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Provider Manual Update Transmittal #103
- Rule 016.06.08-032 - Section V Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.08-033 - Vaccines for Children Program Official Notice
- Rule 016.06.08-035 - Physician/CRNA/Independent Lab/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update Transmittal #154
- Rule 016.06.08-036 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Update #99
- Rule 016.06.08-037 - Ambulatory Surgical Centers Provider Manual Update Transmittal #108
- Rule 016.06.08-038 - State Plan Amendment #2008-005
- Rule 016.06.08-039 - State Plan Amendment #2008-004 - Air Ambulance
- Rule 016.06.08-040 - State Plan Amendment #2008-013 - Personal Care Rate Increase
- Rule 016.06.08-041 - State Plan Amendment #2008-015 - Private Hospital Inpatient Rate Adjustment
- Rule 016.06.08-042 - State Plan Amendment #2007-018
- Rule 016.06.08-045 - Hyperalimentation Update #116 & Prosthetics Update #123
- Rule 016.06.08-046 - State Plan Amendment #2007-021 - Private Duty Nursing Services
- Rule 016.06.09-002 - Official Notice for the 2009 CPT Conversion & Official Notice for the 2009 HCPCS Conversion
- Rule 016.06.09-004 - ARKids First-B Provider Manual Update #79
- Rule 016.06.09-005 - Child Health Services/Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Update #116
- Rule 016.06.09-006 - Prosthetics Provider Manual Update Transmittal #129
- Rule 016.06.09-007 - Rural Health Manual Update #99
- Rule 016.06.09-008 - Private Duty Nusing Services Update #104
- Rule 016.06.09-009 - Visual Care Transmittal Update #120
- Rule 016.06.09-010 - State Plan Amendment #2009-004 - Ground Ambulance
- Rule 016.06.09-011 - State Plan Amendment #2008-018; Nurse Practitioner Update #77 and Section V - Provider Application Form (DMS-652)
- Rule 016.06.09-012 - Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities Wavier Update #85
- Rule 016.06.09-013 - Rules for Conducting Criminal Record Checks for Employees of Long Term Care Facilities
- Rule 016.06.09-014 - ICF/MR Provider Fee Administrative Procedures
- Rule 016.06.09-015 - State Plan Amendment #2009-006
- Rule 016.06.09-016 - Section V (7-1-09) and Epsdt Update # 120
- Rule 016.06.09-017 - Independent Choices Update # 11
- Rule 016.06.09-018 - Medicaid State Plan Amendment #2009-005 and Dental Update #121
- Rule 016.06.09-019 - Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy Services Provider Manual Update #113, Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services Provider Manual Update #124, Physician/Independent Lab/CRNA/Radiation Therapy Center Provider Manual Update #170, Nurse Practitione Provider Manual Update Trarismittal-#115, Hospital/Critical Access Hospital/ End Stage Renal Disease Provider Manual Update #157, Child Health Management Services Provider Manual Update #121, Rehabilitative Hospital Provider Manual Update #113
- Rule 016.06.09-021 - Hearing Services Provider Manual Update #84
- Rule 016.06.09-022 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal #123 - Transportation
- Rule 016.06.09-024 - Official Notice DMS-2009-A-1, DMS-2009-X-1, DMS-2009-II-1, DMS-2009-L-1, DMS-2009-R-1 - Billing for Essure Procedure and Device
- Rule 016.06.09-025 - Official Notice DMS-2009-W-1 - FFY 2010 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
- Rule 016.06.09-027 - Prosthetics Update #146 & Hyperalimentation Update #135
- Rule 016.06.09-028 - Rate Increase for Under 16 Bed ICF/MR Facilities
- Rule 016.06.09-029 - State Plan Amendment #2009-008 - Personal Care Services Rate Adjustment
- Rule 016.06.09-031 - State Plan Amendment #2008-019 & Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Update # 110
- Rule 016.06.09-033 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Update #114
- Rule 016.06.09-034 - DDS Alternative Community Services (ACS) Waiver Update Transmittal # 105
- Rule 016.06.09-035 - Targeted Case Management Update #105
- Rule 016.06.09-036 - Hospital Update #165 & Physician Update #178
- Rule 016.06.09-037 - Prosthetics Update #133
- Rule 016.06.09-038 - Hospital, Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Update # 161 & Physician / Independent Lab / CRNA / Radiation Therapy Center Update # 174
- Rule 016.06.09-040 - Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services (DDTCS) Provider Manual Update #115
- Rule 016.06.09-041 - DDS Alternative Community Services Waiver Provider Manual Update # 120
- Rule 016.06.09-042 - Prosthetics Update Transmittal #70
- Rule 016.06.09-044 - Official Notice DMS-2009-A-3, DMS-2009-AR-2, DMS-2009-G-2, DMS-2009-II-3, DMS-2009-L-3, DMS-2009-KK-2, DMS-2009-R-3, DMS-2009-OO-2 - Vaccines for Children Program (VFC)
- Rule 016.06.09-045 - State Plan Amdndment #2009-013 and Independent Choices #18
- Rule 016.06.09-046 - Prosthetics Provider Manual Update Transmittal #135
- Rule 016.06.09-047 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal - Section I & Section V
- Rule 016.06.09-048 - Section V - DMS 840 Form
- Rule 016.06.09-049 - Child Health Management Services (CHMS) Provider Manual Update #122; Section V Update - Forms DMS-201 and DMS-202
- Rule 016.06.09-050 - Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy Services Provider Manual Update #108, Physician/Independent Lab/Radiation Therapy Center #165, Rehabilitative Hospital #108, Hospital/Critical Access Hospital (CAH)/End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) #152, Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services (DDTCS) #119, Child Health Medical Services #116
- Rule 016.06.09-051 - Section I Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.10-003 - State Plan Amendment #2009-011 - Outpatient Hospital Access Payments
- Rule 016.06.10-004 - 2010 HCPCS and CPT Procedure Code Conversion
- Rule 016.06.10-005 - Hospital Assessment Fee Administrative Procedures
- Rule 016.06.10-007 - Section I Provider Manual Update Transmittal
- Rule 016.06.10-008 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness #129
- Rule 016.06.10-011 - Official Notice #ON-006-10 - Procedure Code 90662
- Rule 016.06.10-012 - Sections I, IV and V of all Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.10-013 - State Plan 2010-006 - Rate Increase for Under 16 Bed ICF/MR Facilities
- Rule 016.06.10-014 - State Plan 2010-007 - Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) Estate Recovery Provisions
- Rule 016.06.10-015 - Home Style Regulations for Nursing Facilities
- Rule 016.06.10-016 - State Plan Amendment #2010-005 - Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Contraceptive System (Mirena)
- Rule 016.06.10-017 - Official Notice ON-004-10: CMS-1500 Replaces DMS-694 for EPSDT Screenings or Services
- Rule 016.06.10-018 - Prior Authorization for Procedure Codes 87901, 87903, 87904
- Rule 016.06.10-019 - State Plan Amendment #2010-003 - Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services (DDTCS) Rate Increase
- Rule 016.06.10-020 - State Plan Amendment #2010-001 - Reimbursement Rate Increases for Selected Specialized Rehabilitative Equipment
- Rule 016.06.10-021 - Dental-3-10 and Section V-8-10
- Rule 016.06.11-001 - Assisted Living Facilities Level I and Level II, in Section 801: Universal Worker
- Rule 016.06.11-002 - Official Notices ON-002-11 & ON-003-11- 2011 Conversions - 2011 CPT and HCPCS Procedure Code Conversion
- Rule 016.06.11-006 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal Transportation - #TRANSP-1-11
- Rule 016.06.11-008 - Hearing-1-11 and Section V-3-11
- Rule 016.06.11-009 - ARKids-B-2-11 and Section I-1-11
- Rule 016.06.11-010 - Manual of Cost Reimbursement Rules for Long Term Care Facilities Estate Recovery Address Update
- Rule 016.06.11-012 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) Update No. 4-11
- Rule 016.06.11-013 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) Update No. 1-11 - Youth Outcomes Questionaire (YOQ)
- Rule 016.06.11-017 - Substance Abuse Treatment Services (SATS) New-11
- Rule 016.06.11-018 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal THERAPY-1-11
- Rule 016.06.11-019 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal HOSPITAL-2-11
- Rule 016.06.11-021 - Official Notice 001-11 and Section V-1-11 - Dental
- Rule 016.06.11-022 - Physician Update #5-10 and Hospital Update #6-10
- Rule 016.06.11-025 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal VISUAL-1-11
- Rule 016.06.11-027 - Amendment to ARKids-B - 1115 Demonstration Waiver
- Rule 016.06.11-029 - Long Term Care Facility Nursing Assistant Training Program
- Rule 016.06.11-030 - Official Notice #008-11 - 2012-ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
- Rule 016.06.12-001 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) - Update Transmittal RSPMI 7-11
- Rule 016.06.12-004 - Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) and Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) procedure codes
- Rule 016.06.12-006 - Medicaid Provider Manual - Section 142.900
- Rule 016.06.12-007 - State Plan Amendment #2012-002 & Personal Care 4-11
- Rule 016.06.12-008 - Section V-4-12 (Form AAS 9559)
- Rule 016.06.12-009 - Autism Waiver and Manual
- Rule 016.06.12-010 - Living Choices Assisted Living 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Slot Increase
- Rule 016.06.12-012 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal Prosthetics 1-12 and Provider Manual Update Transmittal Section V 1-12
- Rule 016.06.12-013 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Update 2-12 and State Plan Amendment #2012-006
- Rule 016.06.12-014 - AAPD-1-11; ASC-2-11; DDSACS-1-11; DDTCS-1-11; FQHC-1-11; Hospital-4-11; INCHOICE-2-11; INPPSYCH-1-11; LCAL-1-11; MEDX-1-11; PERSCARE-3-11; PHYSICN-3-11; PORTX-1-11; RURLHLTH-1-11; TRANSP-3-11; SECI-4-11 and SECV-12-1 - Special Language
- Rule 016.06.12-016 - Visual Care Update 1-12
- Rule 016.06.12-017 - State Plan Amendment #2011-013 - CPMH
- Rule 016.06.12-019 - State Plan Amendment # 2012-008 - Provider Preventable Conditions
- Rule 016.06.12-020 - Rehabilitative Services for Mental Illness (RSPMI) - Update 4-12
- Rule 016.06.12-022 - IndependentChoices provider manual amendments - INCHOICE-1-11 and State Plan Amendment #2012-009
- Rule 016.06.12-024 - Changes to the following three Home and Community -Based Services waiver programs: ElderChoices, Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities (AAPD) , and Living Choices Assisted Living (LCAL) waiver
- Rule 016.06.12-025 - PERSCARE-2-11 amendments to the Personal Care Manual
- Rule 016.06.12-026 - Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP)
- Rule 016.06.12-027 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal PHARMACY 3-12
- Rule 016.06.12-028 - Targeted Case Management Update Transmittal 2-12 and State Plan Amendment #2012-011
- Rule 016.06.12-029 - Episode Performance Payments for Ambulatory URL, ADHD and Perinatal Care
- Rule 016.06.12-030 - THERAPY 1-12 - Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services
- Rule 016.06.12-032 - Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Update Transmittal PACE 2-12
- Rule 016.06.12-033 - Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities Waiver (APDWVR) Update Transmittal APDWVR-1-12
- Rule 016.06.12-035 - State Plan Amendment #2012-007 and Section 1 4-12 - Recover Audit Contractors (RAC) Audit Requirement
- Rule 016.06.12-036 - Episodes 1-12 and State Plan Amendment #2012-014
- Rule 016.06.13-003 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal Episode 1-13 and Provider Manual Update Transmittal Sec I-2-13
- Rule 016.06.13-005 - State Plan 2012-003 & Provider Manual Update Transmittal Sections I-7-12 & V-11-12:
- Rule 016.06.13-006 - Developmental Disabilities Services Alternative Community Services (DDS-ACS) 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services waiver
- Rule 016.06.13-008 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal DENTAL-2-13
- Rule 016.06.13-010 - Provider Manual Update Transmittal: THERAPY-1-13
- Rule 016.06.13-012 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness Provider Manual Update Transmittal RSPMI 3-12
- Rule 016.06.13-014 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) Update No. 3-13 and Inpatient Psychiatric Services for Under Age 21 Update No. 1-13
- Rule 016.06.13-015 - State Plan Amendment #2013-013 and Section I 5-13
- Rule 016.06.13-016 - Arkansas Private Option (Health Care Independence Act of 2013)
- Rule 016.06.13-019 - SPA #2013-009 - Workers with Disabilities
- Rule 016.06.13-021 - Apraxia Battery for Adults 2nd Edition Manual Update Transmittal Therapy 2-13
- Rule 016.06.13-022 - Implementation of Coverage for the Percutaneous Cecostomy Tube and Skin Level Gastronomy Tube for All Ages
- Rule 016.06.14-001 - Updates to the Dental Provide Manual: Sections 215.000, 226.400, 262.400, and 500.00
- Rule 016.06.14-002 - #2013-014: Rate Increase for ParaGuard Intrauterine Copper Contraceptive Device (IUD)
- Rule 016.06.14-003 - 2014 Manual Updates: APDWVR 2-13, AUTISM 1-13, ASCI 1-13, CHIRO 1-13, CHMS 2-13, etc
- Rule 016.06.14-014 - Revision to Dental 5-13; Nurse Practitioner 4-13; Physician 7-13 and SPA #2014-004
- Rule 016.06.14-017 - Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates - Family Planning Services
- Rule 016.06.14-019 - Perinatal Care Episode 3-14
- Rule 016.06.14-020 - Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Episodes
- Rule 016.06.14-021 - Accepted Tests for Occupational Therapy
- Rule 016.06.14-023 - Transition of ARKids First-B Program
- Rule 016.06.14-026 - Alternative for Adults with Physical Disabilities Waiver
- Rule 016.06.14-027 - Discontinuing of the DAAS-IC-20 Form
- Rule 016.06.15-001 - Service Limits for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Rule 016.06.15-003 - SPA #2015-005: Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates - Other Types of Care
- Rule 016.06.15-008 - SPA #2014-009 & Hospital 5-15
- Rule 016.06.15-009 - SPA #2015-003: Ambulatory Surgical Center
- Rule 016.06.15-010 - SPA #2015-008, MedX 1-15, Hospital 7-15, SecV 3-15
- Rule 016.06.15-011 - SPA #2014-011 and Hospital #4-15
- Rule 016.06.15-013 - RURLHLTH 4-15: Rural Health Clinic Update
- Rule 016.06.15-014 - Coverage of Vaccine Current Procedure Terminology
- Rule 016.06.15-015 - HOSP 9-15 & SPA 2015-006
- Rule 016.06.15-017 - PCMH 1-15; DMS 801,844, 845, & 846; SecV 8-15
- Rule 016.06.15-019 - Pharmacy 3-15: Prescription Refill Limit
- Rule 016.06.15-020 - Ambulatory Surgical Center 2-15, ARKids 3-15, Certifified Nurse Midwife 1-15. Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment 2-15, Hospital 3-15, Federally Qualified Health Center 2-15, Home Health 3-15, Hyperalimentation 2-15, Physician 4-15, Prosethetics 5-15, Rural Health Clinic 2-15, Nurse Practioner 2-15, Transportation 1-15
- Rule 016.06.15-021 - State Plan Amendments #2015-004 & 2015-007; Targeted Case Management 2-15; IndependentChoices 2-15; Personal Care 3-15; ARChoices-New-15 and ARChoices Waiver
- Rule 016.06.16-001 - Notice of Rule Making 002-15 (CPT) and 003-15 (HCPCS) Conversion Notices
- Rule 016.06.16-005 - State Plan Amendment #2014-012 & OMIG Updates
- Rule 016.06.16-006 - Episodes of Care 1-15 and Section 1 3-15
- Rule 016.06.16-007 - Rules & Regulations for Licensure of Nursing Home Administrators in Arkansas
- Rule 016.06.16-008 - Rules and Regulations for the Arkansas Long Term Care Facility Nursing Assistant Training Program
- Rule 016.06.16-009 - Notice of Rule Making - Notice 005-15
- Rule 016.06.16-010 - Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness
- Rule 016.06.16-012 - ARChoices Transition Plan
- Rule 016.06.16-013 - Therapy Update #3-15
- Rule 016.06.16-020 - 2016 CPT and HCPCS Procedure Code Conversion
- Rule 016.06.16-021 - Living Choices Assisted Living Waiver Renewal and Living Choices Assisted Living Update #2-15
- Rule 016.06.16-024 - Behavioral Health Transformation
- Rule 016.06.16-027 - NPI-16, Ther 1-16, DDTCS 1-16, Rehabhsp 1-16, ARKids 2-16, PHYS 2-16, Hospital 1-16, CHMS 1-16 and "SPA-2016-TBD? Draft only"
- Rule 016.06.16-028 - State Plan Amendement #2016-002 & Supplemental Rebate Agreement
- Rule 016.06.16-029 - Hospice 1-16
- Rule 016.06.17-006 - Pharmacy 1-17
- Rule 016.06.17-007 - Home Health 2-16
- Rule 016.06.17-008 - Visual 2-16
- Rule 016.06.17-009 - Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) 1-17
- Rule 016.06.17-013 - Prosthetics 2-16; Section V 7-16
- Rule 016.06.17-014 - Independent Assessment Manual
- Rule 016.06.17-015 - Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Update 1-17, Inpatient Psychiatric Services for Persons Under Age 21 Update 1-17 and Residential Communuty Reintegration Program Certification
- Rule 016.06.17-016 - CHMS & DDTCS Manual and SPA Changes
- Rule 016.06.17-017 - The Provider-led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity Program - Phase 1
- Rule 016.06.17-019 - Personal Care Manual
- Rule 016.06.17-020 - Medicaid and CHIP Coverage for Lawfully Residing Alien Children Under Age 19 and Pregnant Women
- Rule 016.06.17-022 - SecIII-1-17; SecI-2-17; SecV-3-17
- Rule 016.06.17-024 - SecIII-2-17: Billing
- Rule 016.06.17-026 - Episode of Care Provider Manual
- Rule 016.06.17-027 - Emergency: Eligibility
- Rule 016.06.18-001 - Section 1-6-17, Four Visit-No Referrals
- Rule 016.06.18-002 - Chiropracitc Services, 172.000, 211.000, 242.300
- Rule 016.06.18-003 - Telemdeicine
- Rule 016.06.18-004 - Section 1 2-18, General Policy, Primary Care Case Management Fee
- Rule 016.06.18-005 - Outpatient Hospital Services State Plan Amendment
- Rule 016.06.18-007 - Medicaid Prosthetics Manual
- Rule 016.06.18-009 - Manual Update ARCHOICES 1-18
- Rule 016.06.18-010 - State Plan Amendment 2018-012-Pharmacy
- Rule 016.06.18-011 - Arkansas Independent Assessment New 18 Manual
- Rule 016.06.18-012 - Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) 1-18 Part 1
- Rule 016.06.18-014 - Home Health Provider Manual update
- Rule 016.06.18-016 - Arkansas Medicaid Task and Hour Standards
- Rule 016.06.18-017 - Amendment to Medicaid Patient-Centered Medical Home PCMH
- Rule 016.06.18-018 - Adult Behavioral Health Services for Community Independence Manual
- Rule 016.06.18-019 - Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) Program
- Rule 016.06.18-020 - Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Rate Calculation SPA #2018-015
- Rule 016.06.19-004 - Home Health Provider Manual update
- Rule 016.06.19-005 - ARKDS-4-18, Domiciliary Care-1-18, Section I-5-18, Section III-4-18, and State Plan Amendment #2019-001
- Rule 016.06.19-010 - ARKIDS-3-18 (ARKIDS-B); EPSDT-1-18 (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment) services
- Rule 016.06.19-012 - PCCM-SPA #18-0013
- Rule 016.06.19-013 - Hospital 3-19 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Newborn Screening
- Rule 016.06.19-014 - ARKids First-B
- Rule 016.06.19-021 - DHS Policy 1088 Participant Exclusion Rule
- Rule 016.06.20-003 - Technical Corrections Removal of References to Provider Electronic Solutions (PES) Software & Updating Outdated Terminology in Arkansas Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.20-004 - SPA # 2020-0007 Durable Medical Equipment Rate Adjustment
- Rule 016.06.20-005 - SPA-2020-0001-Self-Direction Budget Calculation Methodology and IC Provider Manual
- Rule 016.06.20-006 - SPA #2020-0005 Vaccine Administration Fee Rate Increase
- Rule 016.06.20-008 - Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates- Other Types of Care
- Rule 016.06.20-009 - SPA #2020-0008 Physicians Evaluation and Management Code Rate Increas
- Rule 016.06.21-002 - DMS COVID-19 Response Manual
- Rule 016.06.21-004 - DHS Telemedicine COVID-19 Response Manual
- Rule 016.06.21-005 - Pharmacy 1 -21 Add Place of Service
- Rule 016.06.21-006 - Technical Corrections-Vendor Name Removal from Medicaid Provider Manuals
- Rule 016.06.21-007 - Extension of Benefits for Acute Crisis Units and Substance Abuse Detoxification and Telemedicine for Specific Services
- Rule 016.06.21-010 - Physician Manual-Anesthesia Services
- Rule 016.06.21-011 - HCBS and PASSE waivers; PASSE and ABSCI 1915i amendments; Independent Assessment Manual update
- Rule 016.06.22-006 - Arkansas Independent Assessment (ARIA) Manual, 1915 i
- Rule 016.06.72-035 - Personnel Management Evaluation Report
- Rule 016.06.90-067 - FSC 250, Hours of Operation
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.