Agency 138 - Arkansas Natural Resources Commission

  1. Rule 138.00.01-001 - Title XIV - Rules Implementing the Water Resource Conservation and Development Incentives Act
  2. Rule 138.00.01-002 - Title V - Administrative Rules and Regulations for Financial Assistance
  3. Rule 138.00.01-003 - Title IV: Rules for the Protection and Management of Ground Water - To create "sustaining aquifers" and to require metering of certain water wells
  4. Rule 138.00.01-004 - Title XVII: Rules Governing Public Water Authorities
  5. Rule 138.00.02-001 - Rules governing the Arkansas Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program
  6. Rule 138.00.03-001 - Title XVII: Rules Governing Public Water Authorities
  7. Rule 138.00.03-002 - Title XVIII: Rules Governing ASWCC Floodplain Administrator Accreditation Program
  8. Rule 138.00.05-001 - Title 19 - Rules Governing the Arkansas Poultry Feeding Operations Registration Program
  9. Rule 138.00.05-002 - Title 20 - Rules Governing the Arkansas Nutrient Management Planner Certification Program
  10. Rule 138.00.05-003 - Title 21 - Rules Governing the Arkansas Nutrient Management Applicator Certification Program
  11. Rule 138.00.05-004 - Title 22 - Rules Governing the Arkansas Soil Nutrient and Poultry Litter Application and Management Program
  12. Rule 138.00.05-005 - Title I - Rules of Organization and General Operation of the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission
  13. Rule 138.00.05-006 - Title II - Rules Governing Conservation Districts
  14. Rule 138.00.05-007 - Title III - Rules for the Utilization of Surface Water
  15. Rule 138.00.05-008 - Title IV - Rules for the Protection and Management of Ground Water
  16. Rule 138.00.06-001 - Title XXIII - Rules Governing Water & Wastewater Project Funding through the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program
  17. Rule 138.00.07-001 - Title XI - Surplus Poultry Litter Removal Incentives Cost Share Program.[Repealed]
  18. Rule 138.00.07-002 - Title VI - Rules Governing Water Development Project Compliance with the State Water Plan
  19. Rule 138.00.07-003 - Title XII - Arkansas Wetlands Mitigation Bank Program. [Repealed]
  20. Rule 138.00.09-001 - Title III - 2009 Revisions to Utilization of Surface Water
  21. Rule 138.00.11-001 - Title 14: Implementing the Water Resource Conservation and Development Incentive Act
  22. Rule 138.00.11-003 - Title 9: Biosolid Rules. [Repealed]
  23. Rule 138.00.14-001 - Title 17 - Rules Governing Public Water Authorities
  24. Rule 138.00.15-001 - Title 3: Rules for the Utilization of Surface Water
  25. Rule 138.00.15-002 - Title 24: The Arkansas Water Plan
  26. Rule 138.00.16-001 - Title 2, Rules Governing Conservation Districts
  27. Rule 138.00.16-002 - Arkansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission Rules, Regulations, and Modes of Procedure
  28. Rule 138.00.17-001 - Floodplain Administrator Accreditation Rules
  29. Rule 138.00.17-002 - Nutrient Management Planner Certification Rules
  30. Rule 138.00.17-003 - Nutrient Management Applicator Certification Rules
  31. Rule 138.00.18-001 - Revision to Arkansas Natural Resource Commission's Title 2
  32. Rule 138.00.18-002 - AWWCC Rules and Regulations
  33. Rule 138.00.77-001 - Amendments to Rules Governing the Arkansas Dam Safety Program
  34. Rule 138.00.90-003 - Rules Governing Design and Operation of Dams
  35. Rule 138.00.93-001 - Rules of Organization and General Operation
  36. Rule 138.00.93-006 - Title VII - Rules Governing Design and Operation of Dams
  37. Rule - Title XV- Rules Governing Loans from the Safe Drinking Water Fund

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.