(a) Applicability. This section applies to
in-use strategies that include emission reductions from the use of alternative
diesel fuels or fuel additives. The requirements in this section are in
addition to those in Sections 2700-2709, except as specifically
(b) Alternative Diesel Fuel
Fuel Additive Proposed Test Protocol. The
applicant must submit a proposed
test protocol which includes:
(1) References
to criteria pollutant and toxic emissions sampling and analyses that are
consistent with the requirements of Section
(2) Description and Parameters of Alternative
Diesel Fuels and Fuel Additives.
(A) The
applicant must describe the applicability of the alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive to diesel engines and identify any requirements for engine or
fuel system modifications.
(B) The
applicant must provide a general description of the
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive that includes the fuel type, fuel characteristics, fuel
properties, fuel formulation, and chemical composition. The
applicant for the
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive must specify the following:
1. Identity, chemical composition, and
concentration of fuel additives
Sulfur content
3. Total aromatic
4. Total polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon content
Nitrogen content
6. API gravity
7. Distillation
temperature distribution information, initial boiling point (IBP),
8. 10% recovered (REC), 5O% REC, 90% REC, and
end point (EP)
(C) The
applicant must provide information on the candidate
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive that may affect engine performance, engine wear, and safety. The
applicant for the candidate
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive must
specify the following:
1. Viscosity (engine
2. Fuel volatility
(engine performance)
3. Ignition
quality (engine performance)
Fuel operating temperatures (engine performance)
5. Engine wear tendencies (engine
6. Corrosion (engine
7. Lubricity (engine
8. Fuel flash point
(D) The
applicant must provide information on the candidate alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive to determine if there are chemicals in the fuel or fuel additive
that may increase levels of toxic compounds or potentially form toxic compounds
in the fuel or fuel additive. The applicant will conduct an analysis for metals
and elements by a method specified by the applicant. Copper, iron, cerium,
lead, cadmium, chromium, and phosphorus must be included in the analysis.
Additional analysis for other toxic compounds may be required after reviewing
the chemical composition of the candidate alternative diesel fuel and its
additives or fuel additive. (Note: For alternative diesel fuels or fuel
additives that are in part comprised of standard diesel fuel, such as
emulsified diesel fuels, a toxic analysis of the diesel base fuel is not
(E) With the approval
of the Executive Officer or designee, an applicant may also specify different
fuel parameters and test methods that are appropriate to better characterize
the candidate alternative diesel fuel or fuel additive.
(3) Upon review of the proposed test
protocol, the Executive Officer or designee may require additional fuel
components, parameters, and specifications to be determined.
(4) Reference Fuel Specifications. The
reference fuel used in the comparative testing described in Section
2710(d) allows
applicant three options in selecting a reference fuel.
(A) Option (1). The first option is to use a
10 percent aromatic California diesel reference fuel. The reference fuel must
be produced from straight-run California diesel fuel by a hydrodearomatization
process and must have the characteristics set forth below under "Reference Fuel
Specifications" (the listed ASTM methods are incorporated herein by
(B) Option (2). The
second option is to make the reference fuel from a custom blend using a "like"
California diesel fuel made from a straight-run California diesel fuel by a
hydroaromatization process and must have the characteristics set forth below
under "Reference Fuel Specifications." In addition the reference fuel must
exhibit the bell shaped distillation curve characteristic of diesel fuel and no
chemical feedstocks or pure chemicals such as solvents can be used as blend
stocks. Details of the source and specifications of the feedstocks must be
provided in the protocol and the processes and diesel feedstocks used to make
the reference fuel must be reviewed and approved by the Executive
(C) Option (3). For
alternative diesel fuels and fuel additives that contain diesel as a base fuel
such as emulsified diesel fuel and 80:20 biodiesel fuel (80 percent diesel/20
percent biodiesel), the base diesel fuel used to make the
alternative diesel
fuel or
fuel additive can be used in place of the 10 percent aromatic
California diesel reference fuel. The base diesel fuel must be a certified,
commercially available diesel fuel sold in California. The sulfur content,
aromatic hydrocarbon content, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content, nitrogen
content, natural cetane number, API gravity, viscosity, and distillation
specifications must be provided for the base diesel fuel used for the reference
Table 6. Fuel Test Methods and Reference Fuel
Property |
Reference Fuel Specifications |
Method |
Sulfur Content |
15 ppm max |
D5453-93 |
Aromatic Hydrocarbon content, Vol. % |
max |
D5186-96 |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon content, Wt.
% |
1.4% max |
D5186-96 |
Nitrogen Content |
10 ppm
max |
D4629-96 |
Natural Cetane Number |
min |
D613-84 |
Gravity, API |
33-39 |
D287-82 or
D4052-96(2002) |
Viscosity at 40°C,
cSt |
2.0-4.1 |
D445-83 |
Flash point, °F |
130 min |
D93-80 |
Distillation, °F |
D86-96 |
340-420 |
10% REC |
400-490 |
50% REC |
470-560 |
90% REC |
550-610 |
EP |
580-660 |
(5) The identity of the entity proposed to
conduct the tests described in Section
(6) Reasonably adequate quality assurance and
quality control procedures;
Notification of any outlier identification and exclusion procedure that will be
used, and
(8) A demonstration that
any procedure meets generally accepted statistical
Application for
Alternative Diesel Fuel and
Fuel Additive Emission Reduction
Verification. Upon completion of the tests, the
applicant may submit an
application for
verification to the
Executive Officer or designee. The
application must follow the format in Section
2702(d) as
applicable and include:
(1) The approved test
(2) All of the test
(3) Copy of the complete test
log prepared in accordance with Section
(4) A demonstration that the candidate
alternative diesel fuel or fuel additive meets the requirements for
verification set forth in this section, and
(5) Such other information as the Executive
Officer or designee may reasonably require.
(d) Emissions Test Procedures for
Particulates, Nitrogen Oxides, Soluble Organic Fraction, Hydrocarbons, and
(1) Criteria pollutants test
requirements. In each test of a fuel, exhaust emissions of
x, NO
2 (pursuant to Section
total PM, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons must be measured.
In addition, for each test the soluble organic fraction (SOF) of the
particulate matter in the exhaust emissions must be determined in accordance
with the Air Resources Board's "Test Method for Soluble Organic Fraction (SOF)
Extraction" dated April 1989, which is incorporated herein by
(2) Toxic emissions
sampling and analysis requirements. Exhaust emissions of formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes, butadiene, and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are to be sampled and analyzed as specified in
Table 7 for a minimum of three test samples collected from separate emission
test repetitions.
Table 7. Toxics sampling and analysis
Toxics |
Method |
Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde |
ARB SOP 104 |
Benzene toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes, and
butadiene |
102/103 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
ARB method
4293 |
__________ |
1 Additional toxics sampling may
be required depending on the chemical composition of the additives in the
2 At a minimum tunnel blanks are
required prior to and after conducting toxic emissions sampling for the
reference fuel and candidate alternative diesel fuel or fuel additive.
3 PAH sampling consists of a
filter to collect particulate PAHs and XAD resin to collect volatile PAHs. The
sampling protocol needs to be included in the test protocol. Analysis of the
samples will be performed by ARB method 429.
(3) Emission test requirements and test
sequence for emissions test program.
(A) The
applicant must follow the emission test requirements from section
2703 subsections (a), (b), (k),
l), and (m). For all on-road diesel vehicles and equipment,
applicant must conduct engine dynamometer testing using the Federal Test
Procedure (FTP) Heavy-duty Transient Cycle, in accordance with the provisions
in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 86, Subpart N. For all
off-road and stationary diesel vehicles and equipment, the
applicant must
conduct engine dynamometer testing in accordance with section
2703(e)(2) and
2703(e)(3). The
applicant must use one of the following test sequences:
1. If both cold start and hot start exhaust
emission tests are conducted, a minimum of nine exhaust emission tests must be
performed on the engine with each fuel, using either of the following
sequences, where "R" is the reference fuel and "C" is the candidate alternative
diesel fuel or fuel additive: RC CR RC CR RC (and continuing in the same order)
or RC RC RC RC RC (and continuing in the same order). The engine mapping
procedures and a conditioning transient cycle must be conducted with the
reference fuel before each cold start procedure using the reference fuel. The
reference cycle used for the candidate alternative diesel fuel or fuel additive
must be the same as determined for the reference fuel.
2. If only
hot start exhaust emission tests
are conducted, one of the following test sequences must be used throughout the
testing, where "R" is the reference fuel and "C" is the candidate
diesel fuel or
fuel additive:
Alternative 1: RC CR RC CR (continuing in the same order for
a given calendar day; a minimum of nine individual exhaust emission tests must
be completed with each fuel)
Alternative 2: RR CC RR CC (continuing in the same order for
a given calendar day; a minimum of nine individual exhaust emission tests must
be completed with each fuel)
Alternative 3: RRR CCC RRR CCC (continuing in the same order
for a given calendar day: a minimum of nine individual exhaust emission tests
must be completed with each fuel)
For all alternatives, an equal number of tests must be
conducted using the reference fuel and the candidate alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive on any given calendar day. At the beginning of each calendar day,
the sequence of testing must begin with the fuel that was tested at the end of
the preceding day. The engine mapping procedures and a conditioning transient
cycle must be conducted at the beginning of each day for the reference fuel.
The reference cycle used for the candidate alternative diesel fuel or fuel
additive must be the same as determined for the reference fuel. For fuel
additives that accumulate within the fuel system, engine, or exhaust system, a
test or tests using a multiple of the normal dosage rate will be required in
post durability testing to determine any long term effects if accumulation is
not shown to stabilize during the required durability time
3. Alternative test
sequence. The
applicant may request the
Executive Officer to approve an
alternative test sequence in place of the above test sequences. In reviewing
this request, the
Executive Officer may consider all relevant information
including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Statistical and scientific equivalence to
1. or 2., and
b. Body of existing
test data using the alternative test sequence.
(B) The applicant must submit a test schedule
to the Executive Officer or designee at least one week prior to commencement of
the tests. The test schedule must identify the days on which the tests will be
conducted, and must provide for conducting test consecutively without
substantial interruptions other than those resulting from the normal hours of
operations at the test facility. The Executive Officer or designee should be
permitted to observe any tests. The party conducting the tests must maintain a
test log which identifies all tests conducted, all engine mapping procedures,
all physical modifications to or operational tests of the engine, all
recalibrations or other changes to the test instruments, and all interruptions
between tests, and the reason for each interruption. The party conducting the
tests or the applicant must notify the Executive Officer or designee by
telephone and in writing of any unscheduled interruption resulting in a test
delay of 48 hours or more, and the reason for such delay. Prior to restarting
the test, the applicant or person conducting the tests must provide the
Executive Officer or designee with a revised schedule for the remaining tests.
All tests conducted in accordance with the test schedule, other than any test
rejected in accordance with an outlier identification and exclusion procedure
included in the approved test protocol, must be included in the comparison of
(C) Upon approval of the
Executive Officer or designee, the
applicant may specify an alternative test
sequence to Section
applicant must provide the rationale demonstrating that the alternative
test sequence better characterizes the average emissions difference between the
reference fuel and the
alternative diesel fuel or
(1) The
applicant must meet the
durability demonstration requirements in section
2704 subsections (a), (b), (c),
(f), and (i) with the exceptions of emission testing and fuel requirements. If
diesel emission control strategy includes hardware components
in addition to the
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive, then the emission
testing requirements in section
2704 apply.
(2) The
applicant must provide test data
obtained after completion of the
service accumulation, described in section
2704(e), showing
that the candidate
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive does not adversely
affect the performance and operation of diesel engines or cause premature wear
or cause damage to diesel engines. This must include but is not limited to
lubricity, corrosion, and damage to engine parts such as fuel injector tips.
applicant must provide data showing under what temperature and conditions
the candidate
alternative diesel fuel or
fuel additive remains stable and
usable in California.
(3) For
additives that accumulate within the fuel system, engine, or exhaust system,
the same test engine used for emissions testing must be used for the durability
Multimedia Assessment for Fuel Strategies. Diesel emission control strategies
which rely on fuel changes either through use of additives or through use of
alternative diesel fuels must undergo an evaluation of the multimedia effects.
No diesel emission control strategy that relies on the use of an additive or an
alternative fuel may be verified unless a multimedia evaluation of the additive
or alternative fuel has been conducted and the California Environmental Policy
Council established by Public Resources Code section
has determined that such use will not cause a significant adverse impact on the
public health or the environment, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section
No person shall sell, offer for sale, supply or offer for supply an alternative
fuel or a diesel fuel in California that contains an additive for use in a
verified diesel emission control strategy unless such a multimedia evaluation
has been conducted and resulted in a determination that use of the alternative
fuel or additive will not cause a significant adverse impact on the public
health and the environment. The applicant shall bear the expense of conducting
the multimedia assessment.
Other Requirements.
(1) The candidate
alternative diesel fuel or fuel additive must be in compliance with applicable
federal, state, and local government requirements.
(2) Applicants planning to market fuel in
California must contact and register with the U.S. EPA and the California Dept.
of Food and Agriculture. Contacts are listed below.
PHONE (202) 564-9303
PHONE (916) 229-3000
(3) Additional government agencies such as
the California Energy Commission, Area Council Governments, and Local Air
Quality Management Districts may be contacted to facilitate the marketing of
alternative diesel fuel in California.
(4) Labeling
(A) For strategies that do not include
exhaust aftertreatment, labeling is required pursuant to section
2706(j) on the
engine and the storage container for the
alternative diesel fuel or
additive. This storage container may be either the fuel tank or a separate tank
that is used to deliver
the additive to the engine. Strategies that do not
include exhaust aftertreatment are not required to identify the month and year
manufacturer or a unique serial number on their
Extensions of an Existing
Verification. See section
2702(h). The
applicant may request the
Executive Officer to approve a reduced number of
emission tests when extending an existing
verification to other emission
control groups. In reviewing this request, the
Executive Officer may consider
all relevant information including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Variability in the test results used for
the existing verification,
Characteristics of the duty cycles in the other emission control
(3) The mechanism by which
the alternative diesel fuel or fuel additive reduces emissions, and
(4) Body of existing test
Cal. Code Regs.
Tit. 13, §
1. New section
filed 5-12-2003; operative 6-11-2003 (Register 2003, No. 20).
Amendment of section heading and section filed 1-20-2009; operative 2-19-2009
(Register 2009, No. 4).
3. Amendment filed 8-15-2013; operative
10-1-2013 (Register 2013, No. 33).
Note: Authority cited: Sections
Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections
Health and Safety Code; Section
Public Resources Code, and Title 17 California Code of Regulations Section
1. New section filed
5-12-2003; operative 6-11-2003 (Register 2003, No. 20).
2. Amendment
of section heading and section filed 1-20-2009; operative 2-19-2009 (Register
2009, No. 4).
3. Amendment filed 8-15-2013; operative 10-1-2013
(Register 2013, No. 33).