Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 1724 - Roofing-General
(a) Roof Jack Systems (Includes Jacks, Planks and Appurtenances.)
(1) Roof jacks shall be constructed to fit the slope of the roof and be designed, fabricated and installed in such a manner that they will sustain all expected loads. The supported plank shall be positioned at some angle from perpendicular to the roof to horizontal. For suggested installation, see Appendix Plate C-19.
(2) Intervals (spans) between roof jacks shall not exceed 10 feet.
(3) When rope supports are used, they shall consist of first-grade Manila rope of at least 3/4 -inch diameter or other material of equivalent strength.
(4) Wooden supporting members that span between jacks, as illustrated in Appendix Plate C-19, shall be selected lumber as defined in Section 1504(a), or equivalent and be of at least 2-inch by 6-inch material. Where supporting members other than wood are used they shall be of at least the equivalent strength.
(b) Crawling Boards.
(1) Crawling boards shall be not less than 10 inches wide and 1-inch thick, and shall have cleats of at least 1-inch by 1 1/2 -inch material. The cleats shall be equal in length to the width of the board and spaced at equal intervals not to exceed 24 inches. Nails shall be driven through and clinched on the underside of the board.
(2) Where building design permits, the crawling boards shall extend from the ridge pole to the eaves.
(3) A firmly fastened line of at least 3/4 -inch diameter Manila rope , or equivalent, shall be laid beside each crawling board for use as a handhold.
(4) Crawling boards shall be secured to the roof by adequate ridge hooks or other effective means.
(c) Catch Platforms.
(1) When catch platforms are used, they shall be installed in close proximity below the eaves below roof work areas, extend at least 2 feet horizontally beyond the projection of the eaves, and be provided with standard railings and toeboards (See Article 16).
(2) The platforms shall be fully planked.
(d) Scaffold Platforms.
(1) When built-up scaffold platforms are used to protect workers from falls from the edges of roofs, they shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Article 22, Scaffolds.
(2) A fully planked platform shall be provided near the eave level.
(e) Eave Barriers.
(1) When a system of eave barriers is provided to prevent falls from roofs, the barrier, unless of solid construction, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 16, Standard Railings.
(2) The barrier system shall be securely anchored at eave level or supported by ropes securely tied to substantial anchorages on the roof.
(3) If the barrier system is to be moved from one work area to another, employees performing the moving operation shall be protected by the use of safety belts and lines.
(f) Personal Fall Protection.
(1) Where used to prevent workers from falling off roofs, personal fall arrest systems, personal fall restraint systems and positioning devices shall be installed and used in accordance with the provisions of Article 24, Fall Protection.
(2) Safety lines shall be attached in a secure manner to substantial anchorages on the roof.
(g) High-Lift Material Trucks. Standard railings and toeboards shall be provided on the open sides of the platforms of high-lift material trucks when the platform is used as a work surface, except when it is not feasible during loading or unloading operations at elevations 7 1/2 -feet or more above ground, floor or level underneath.
(h) Ramps and Runways.
(1) Ramps or runways erected and used exclusively for the purpose of loading or unloading roofing materials at elevations above ground, or other level below, not exceeding 20 feet in height shall be at least 40 inches in width. At those elevations exceeding 20 feet in height, standard guardrails shall be installed and maintained on both sides of the ramp or runway .
NOTE: A 10-inch wide horizontal opening is permitted between the railing and the ramp or
2. Amendment of subsection (g) filed 10-30-81; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 81, No. 44).
3. Amendment of subsection (a) filed 3-29-82; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 82, No. 14).
4. Amendment of subsections (a), (b), (d), (e) and (h) filed 12-15-86; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 86, No. 51).
5. Amendment of subsection (f)(1) filed 7-2-98; operative 8-1-98 (Register 98, No. 27).
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
2. Amendment of subsection (g) filed 10-30-81; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 81, No. 44).
3. Amendment of subsection (a) filed 3-29-82; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 82, No. 14).
4. Amendment of subsections (a), (b), (d), (e) and (h) filed 12-15-86; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 86, No. 51).
5. Amendment of subsection (f)(1) filed 7-2-98; operative 8-1-98 (Register 98, No. 27).
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