Article 10 - INCOME

  1. § 50501 - Income -General
  2. § 50503 - Gross Earned Income
  3. § 50505 - Net Profit from Self-Employment
  4. § 50507 - Gross Unearned Income
  5. § 50508 - Net Income from Property
  6. § 50509 - Income in Kind
  7. § 50511 - Value of Income in Kind
  8. § 50512 - Ownership of Income
  9. § 50513 - Availability of Income
  10. § 50515 - Unavailable Income
  11. § 50517 - Apportionment of Income over Time
  12. § 50517.1 - Apportionment of Income Exemptions and Deductions
  13. § 50518 - Fluctuating Income
  14. § 50519 - Income Exemptions and Deductions -General
  15. § 50521 - Payments Exempt from Consideration as Income
  16. § 50523 - Property Tax Refunds
  17. § 50523.5 - California Franchise Tax Board Payments
  18. § 50524 - Child/Spousal Support Received by AFDC-MN and MI Family Members. [Renumbered]
  19. § 50525 - Public Assistance and General Relief Grants
  20. § 50526 - Work Incentive Program (WIN)
  21. § 50527 - Social Services
  22. § 50528 - Assistance Based on Need
  23. § 50529 - Federal Housing Assistance
  24. § 50530 - Training Expenses
  25. § 50531 - Foster Care Payments
  26. § 50533 - Exempt Loans, Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships
  27. § 50534 - Payments to Victims of Crimes -Treatment as Income
  28. § 50535 - Relocation Assistance Benefits
  29. § 50535.5 - Disaster and Emergency Assistance Payments
  30. § 50536 - Payments to Victims of the National Socialist Persecution
  31. § 50537 - Federal Payments to Indians and Alaskan Natives -Income
  32. § 50538 - VISTA Payments
  33. § 50539 - Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Payments
  34. § 50540 - Executive Volunteer Programs
  35. § 50541 - Senior Citizen Volunteer Programs
  36. § 50542 - Irregular or Infrequent Income
  37. § 50543 - Student Exemption
  38. § 50543.5 - Earned Income Tax Credit
  39. § 50544 - Earnings of Children Under Age 14
  40. § 50545 - Deductions from Income
  41. § 50547 - Educational Expenses
  42. § 50549 - Deductions from Income - MFBUs Which Include Aged, Blind or Disabled MN Persons
  43. § 50549.1 - Support Payment from an Absent Parent
  44. § 50549.2 - Any Income Deduction - Unearned Income
  45. § 50549.3 - Guardian and Conservator Fees
  46. § 50551 - Student Deduction
  47. § 50551.1 - Thirty Dollars Plus One-Third - MFBUs Which Include Aged, Blind or Disabled MN Persons
  48. § 50551.2 - Any Income Deduction - Earned Income
  49. § 50551.3 - Sixty-Five Plus One-Half
  50. § 50551.4 - Work Expenses of the Blind
  51. § 50551.5 - Income Necessary to Achieve Self-Support
  52. § 50551.6 - Cost of In-Home Supportive Services - ABD-MN and SGA Disabled
  53. § 50553 - Deductions from Earned Income - AFDC-MN, MI or Ineligible Members of the MFBU
  54. § 50553.1 - Deduction for Work Expenses
  55. § 50553.2 - Deduction for Dependent Care. [Renumbered]
  56. § 50553.3 - Thirty Dollars Plus One-Third
  57. § 50553.5 - Deduction for Dependent Care
  58. § 50554 - Court Ordered Alimony or Child Support
  59. § 50554.5 - Child/Spousal Support Received by AFDC-MN and MI Family Members
  60. § 50555 - Deductions from Any Income - All MN or MI Programs
  61. § 50555.1 - Income of an MN or MI Person Used to Determine Public Assistance Eligibility of Another Family Member
  62. § 50555.2 - Health Insurance Premiums
  63. § 50555.3 - Court Ordered Child Support. [Repealed]
  64. § 50555.4 - Special Deduction for Aged, Blind or Disabled MN. [Repealed]
  65. § 50557 - Treatment of Income
  66. § 50558 - Income of Persons Excluded from the MFBU
  67. § 50559 - Income Deemed Available from the Stepparent
  68. § 50561 - Treatment - Stepparent Cases
  69. § 50563 - Treatment of Income - Aged, Blind or Disabled MN Person or Person's Spouse in LTC or Board and Care
  70. § 50564 - Treatment of Income - Persons No Longer Receiving Title XVI Due to a Cost of Living Increase in OASDI Benefits Under Title II
  71. § 50565 - Projection of Anticipated Income. [Repealed]
  72. § 50567 - Adjustment for Decreases in Income. [Repealed]
  73. § 50569 - County Failure to Change Income. [Repealed]
  74. § 50570 - Income Determination and Limit for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) or the Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB)
  75. § 50571 - Income Determination and Limit for the Qualified Disabled and Working Individual (QDWI)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.