A. The Department shall ensure that professional development hours required pursuant to this rule section be in alignment with Colorado's Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals, including alignment with the competency areas as defined in
8 CCR 1402-1 rule sections 2.213(M) and 2.312(R)(1).
1. This includes alignment with the seven (7) competency areas of:
a. Child growth and development, and learning;
b. Child observation and assessment;
c. Family and community partnerships;
d. Social-emotional health and development promotion;
e. Health, safety and nutrition;
f. Professional practice; and
g. Teaching practices.
2. Professional development courses taken to complete the requirements of
8 CCR 1402-1, rule sections 2.213(M) or 2.312(R)(1), to meet the Child Care Licensing requirements of fifteen (15) clock hours annually, may also be used to satisfy the professional development requirements of this rule section, provided all other requirements are met.
3. Lead teachers licensed by the Colorado Department of Education may use the professional development courses required to renew their teaching license pursuant to article 60.5 of title 22, C.R.S., to also satisfy the professional development requirements of this rule section, if applicable.
4. Nothing in this rule section shall be construed as requiring these trainings for staff aides of a family child care home or child care center, or individuals who are employed or volunteer only on a short term basis.
5. Verifying documentation shall be submitted demonstrating completion of the applicable professional development in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Department and published by the Department in an easily accessible manner including, but not limited to, being posted on the Department's website. These verification policies and procedures by the Department may include, but are not limited to, attestations, maintenance of an individual employee's profile within the Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System (PDIS), and the submission by employees or providers of any required information requested by the Department in a timely manner.
B. All Staff Professional Development Requirements.
Beginning July 1, 2025, within twelve (12) months of employment at an eligible preschool provider, all staff responsible for the direct care of eligible children receiving preschool services (including primary providers, applicant 2s, equally qualified providers, equally qualified substitutes, and substitutes of a family child care home, and early childhood teachers and assistant early childhood teachers of a child care center) must complete annually, at a minimum:
1. Four (4) hours of professional development in the competency area of social-emotional health and development promotion, with at least one (1) of those hours of training in trauma-informed practices specific to each staff member's professional role;
2. Two (2) hours of professional development in the competency area of teaching practices; and
3. Two (2) hours of professional development in the competency area of family and community partnerships, with at least one (1) of those hours of training in suspension and expulsion practices.
C. Instructional Supervisor Professional Development
Beginning July 1, 2026, within twelve (12) months of employment at an eligible preschool provider, instructional supervisors must complete annually, at a minimum, at least three (3) hours of professional development in the competency areas of child observation and assessment, and teaching practices, with at least one (1) hour of training in each competency area.
1. Any educator who is required to complete both the all-staff and instructional supervisor professional development requirements contained in rule sections 4.114(B) and (C), may use hours of professional development to fulfill both requirements concurrently, provided the applicable requirements are met.