Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-145d-477 - Initial educator certificate requirements (Bilingual Education)

To receive an initial educator certificate for bilingual education an applicant shall:

(a) Present evidence of completion of a planned bilingual education program of preparation at an approved institution; or
(b) A deferral of the certification requirements for a bilingual educator certificate may be requested by an employing agent of a board of education only when such board cannot secure an individual who has completed a planned program of preparation for bilingual education, and provided the applicant presents evidence of meeting the following requirements:
(1) Present a written request from a board of education for issuance of an initial bilingual educator certificate, provided such board of education shall have made a reasonable search without success for a certified person capable of serving as a bilingual educator. Such request shall certify that the educator:
(A) Shall teach only in a bilingual education program;
(B) Is bilingual in the language used in such program and in English;
(C) Demonstrates experience, knowledge or proficiency in the areas in which such teacher is to serve;
(D) Has had experience in working with persons who are dominant in a language other than English;
(E) Has taught, or has other experience or qualifications which the board of education accepts as equivalent to professional education experience; and
(F) Shall receive special attention in the form of supervision and other assistance by qualified persons;
(2) The Board shall, upon receipt of such request, defer all initial educator certification requirements for such applicant, provided the applicant has completed a four-year course of study at a postsecondary institution. In the event such institution was not located in the United States, it shall be necessary that the Board of Governors of Higher Education or an organization recognized by the Department certify that such study is the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree in the United States;
(c) A course of study in special education comprised of not fewer than 36 clock hours, which shall include study in understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children and children who may require special education, and methods for identifying, planning for and working effectively with special-needs children in the regular classroom; and
(d) The applicant shall have completed three semester hours of credit in each of the following: foundations of bilingual education and methods of teaching English to speakers of other languages.


Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-145d-477
Effective July 1, 1995; Amended August 6, 1998

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.