1. § 40E-1.001 - Policy, Objectives and Implementation Dates (Repealed)
  2. § 40E-1.002 - Scope of Jurisdictions (Repealed)
  3. § 40E-1.003 - Powers and Duties (Repealed)
  4. § 40E-1.004 - Appropriation of Funds (Repealed)
  5. § 40E-1.005 - Definitions (Repealed)
  6. § 40E-1.006 - Permits Required (Repealed)
  7. § 40E-1.0061 - Bond (Repealed)
  8. § 40E-1.0062 - Reapplying With Permits (Repealed)
  9. § 40E-1.007 - Power to Enforce (Repealed)
  10. § 40E-1.008 - General Permit Procedure (Repealed)
  11. § 40E-1.009 - Filing of Citizen Objection or Complaints (Repealed)
  12. § 40E-1.010 - Administrative Enforcement Procedures (Repealed)
  13. § 40E-1.011 - Quasi-Judicial Hearings Before the Board (Repealed)
  14. § 40E-1.0111 - Parties to Proceedings (Repealed)
  15. § 40E-1.0112 - Pleadings (Repealed)
  16. § 40E-1.0113 - Witness Fees (Repealed)
  17. § 40E-1.012 - Request for Hearing (Repealed)
  18. § 40E-1.013 - Petitions for Declaratory Statements (Repealed)
  19. § 40E-1.014 - Administrative Determination of Validity of Regulation (Repealed)
  20. § 40E-1.015 - Procedure for Adoption of Rules (Repealed)
  21. § 40E-1.016 - Description of Organization (Repealed)
  22. § 40E-1.017 - Agenda and Scheduling of Meetings and Workshops (Repealed)
  23. § 40E-1.018 - Procedures Under Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (Repealed)
  24. § 40E-1.021 - Definitions
  25. § 40E-1.090 - Forms and Instructions (Repealed)
  26. § 40E-1.100 - Uniform Rules of Procedure and Statement of District Organization and Operation (Repealed)
  27. § 40E-1.101 - General (Repealed)
  28. § 40E-1.102 - Definitions (Repealed)
  29. § 40E-1.103 - The District (Repealed)
  30. § 40E-1.104 - The Governing Board (Repealed)
  31. § 40E-1.105 - General Description of District Organization and Operations (Repealed)
  32. § 40E-1.106 - Post-Employment Restrictions
  33. § 40E-1.1065 - Misuse of Public Position (Repealed)
  34. § 40E-1.107 - Basins Within the District (Repealed)
  35. § 40E-1.121 - General Information Concerning the District (Repealed)
  36. § 40E-1.123 - Statutory Chapters and Rules (Repealed)
  37. § 40E-1.125 - Public Information and Inspection of Records (Repealed)
  38. § 40E-1.132 - District Clerk and Official Reporter (Repealed)
  39. § 40E-1.133 - Public Access (Transferred)
  40. § 40E-1.1335 - Final Order Indexing (Repealed)
  41. § 40E-1.134 - Final Orders Required to be Indexed (Repealed)
  42. § 40E-1.135 - Listing of Final Orders (Repealed)
  43. § 40E-1.136 - Numbering of Final Orders (Repealed)
  44. § 40E-1.137 - Maintenance of Final Orders (Repealed)
  45. § 40E-1.138 - Public Access (Repealed)
  46. § 40E-1.139 - Complaints under the Americans with Disabilities Act
  47. § 40E-1.200 - Procedures for Agendas and Scheduling of Meetings and Workshops (Repealed)
  48. § 40E-1.201 - Notice of Meeting or Workshop and Telecommunications (Repealed)
  49. § 40E-1.203 - Agenda of Public Meetings and Workshops (Repealed)
  50. § 40E-1.207 - Emergency Meetings (Repealed)
  51. § 40E-1.208 - Procedure for Abstaining from Voting Conflicts of Interest (Repealed)
  52. § 40E-1.300 - Rulemaking Procedures (Repealed)
  53. § 40E-1.301 - Commencement of Proceedings (Repealed)
  54. § 40E-1.303 - Notice of Proceeding and the Proposed Rules (Repealed)
  55. § 40E-1.307 - Content of Notice (Repealed)
  56. § 40E-1.311 - Petitions to Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings (Repealed)
  57. § 40E-1.313 - District Action on Petitions to Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings (Repealed)
  58. § 40E-1.327 - Rulemaking Materials (Repealed)
  59. § 40E-1.330 - Rulemaking Proceedings - No Hearing (Repealed)
  60. § 40E-1.331 - Rulemaking Proceedings - Hearing (Repealed)
  61. § 40E-1.335 - Incorporation by Reference (Repealed)
  62. § 40E-1.337 - Emergency Rule Adoption (Repealed)
  63. § 40E-1.400 - Procedures Regarding Declaratory Statements (Repealed)
  64. § 40E-1.401 - General (Repealed)
  65. § 40E-1.405 - Purpose and Use of Declaratory Statement (Repealed)
  66. § 40E-1.407 - District Disposition (Repealed)
  67. § 40E-1.500 - Procedures for Proceedings which Determine Substantial Interests and Associated Mediation (Repealed)
  68. § 40E-1.501 - Scope of Part V (Repealed)
  69. § 40E-1.503 - Computation of Time (Repealed)
  70. § 40E-1.504 - Parties (Repealed)
  71. § 40E-1.505 - Appearances; Criteria for Authorized Representation (Repealed)
  72. § 40E-1.506 - Consolidation (Repealed)
  73. § 40E-1.5095 - Publication of Notice of Agency Decision or Intended Agency Decision (Repealed)
  74. § 40E-1.511 - Point of Entry Into Proceedings (Repealed)
  75. § 40E-1.520 - Procedures Concerning Formal Proceedings (Repealed)
  76. § 40E-1.521 - Initiation of Formal Proceedings (Repealed)
  77. § 40E-1.564 - Exceptions to Recommended Order (Repealed)
  78. § 40E-1.565 - Final Order (Repealed)
  79. § 40E-1.570 - Procedures Concerning Informal Proceedings (Repealed)
  80. § 40E-1.571 - Informal Proceedings (Repealed)
  81. § 40E-1.572 - Submission of Evidence (Repealed)
  82. § 40E-1.573 - Final Order (Repealed)
  83. § 40E-1.601 - General (Repealed)
  84. § 40E-1.6015 - Delegation of Authority Pertaining to General Environmental Resource Permits. General Surface Water Management Permits and Associated Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorizations (Transferred)
  85. § 40E-1.602 - Permits Required
  86. § 40E-1.6025 - Permit Application Processed by District Service Centers (Repealed)
  87. § 40E-1.603 - Application Procedures for Processing Permit Applications or Notices of Intent
  88. § 40E-1.604 - Bond
  89. § 40E-1.605 - Complaints (Repealed)
  90. § 40E-1.6051 - Application Procedures for Noticed General Environmental Resource Permits Pursuant to Chapter 40E-400, F.A.C. (Repealed)
  91. § 40E-1.6058 - Posting, Publication and Requests for Notification of Permit Applications or Notices of Intent
  92. § 40E-1.6059 - Public Notice Requirements Concerning Receipt of Environmental Resource or Surface Water Management Permit Application, and Proposed Agency Action (Repealed)
  93. § 40E-1.606 - Application Procedures for General Water Use Permits (Repealed)
  94. § 40E-1.6062 - Public Notice Requirements for Water Use Permit Applications and Proposed Agency Actions (Repealed)
  95. § 40E-1.6065 - Consideration of Intended Agency Decision on Permit Applications
  96. § 40E-1.607 - Permit Application Processing Fees
  97. § 40E-1.608 - Denial of Permits (Repealed)
  98. § 40E-1.609 - Suspension, Revocation and Modification of Permits
  99. § 40E-1.610 - Permit Renewal
  100. § 40E-1.6105 - Notification of Transfer of Interest in Real Property
  101. § 40E-1.6107 - Transfer of Surface Water Management, or Water Use, or Wetland Resource Permit
  102. § 40E-1.611 - Emergency Action (Repealed)
  103. § 40E-1.6115 - Emergency Authorization (Repealed)
  104. § 40E-1.612 - Administrative Enforcement Action (Transferred)
  105. § 40E-1.614 - Orders of Corrective Action and Consent Agreements (Transferred)
  106. § 40E-1.615 - Coordinated Agency Review Procedures for the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern
  107. § 40E-1.659 - Forms and Instructions (Repealed)
  108. § 40E-1.701 - Interagency Agreements (Repealed)
  109. § 40E-1.702 - Environmental Resource, Surface Water Management Permit and Consumptive Use Enforcement Guidelines
  110. § 40E-1.705 - Administrative Enforcement Action (Repealed)
  111. § 40E-1.711 - Orders of Corrective Action and Consent Orders
  112. § 40E-1.715 - Civil Penalty Calculation
  113. § 40E-1.721 - Complaints, District Investigations, Probable Cause Determinations and Notices of Violations
  114. § 40E-1.800 - Lobbyist Registration
  115. § 40E-1.801 - Public Meetings of the South Florida Water Management District
  116. § 40E-1.901 - Forms and Instructions (Transferred)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.