Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 375-3-1-.13 - Changes to Customer Information

(1) A person may have the following personal data modified on his or her driver's license, permit, or identification card upon presentation of satisfactory documentation supporting the change as indicated:
(a) Date of Birth - submission of any document accepted as proof of identity pursuant to Ga. Admin. Comp. Ch. 375-3-1-.02.
(b) Social Security Number - Original Social Security Card or other original documentation from the Social Security Administration verifying the correct Social Security Number.
(c) U.S. Citizenship Status - submission of any document accepted as proof of citizenship pursuant to Ga. Admin. Comp. Ch. 375-3-1-.02.
(d) Residence or Mailing Address - submission of any document accepted as proof of Georgia residency pursuant to Ga. Admin. Comp. Ch. 375-3-1-.02.
(2) A person may have the following personal data modified on a driver's license, permit, or identification card by self-certifying that the requested change is correct on the License/Permit/ID application:
(a) Eye Color
(b) Height
(c) Weight
(d) Primary or Secondary Telephone Number
(3) A person requesting a change to the information recorded on his or her driving record and/or printed on his or her driver's license, permit, or identification card shall surrender all previously issued driver's licenses, permits, or identification cards in their possession and shall be required to pay either the renewal license fee or a duplicate or update fee, whichever is applicable. No rebate will be given for any license, permit, or identification cards surrendered.
(4) In all cases the decision to change customer personal data on the license, permit, or identification card is at the discretion of the Department based on a review of the documents provided to determine their validity and authenticity.
(5) Changes to a customer's information as provided in Paragraphs (1)(d) or (2) may be processed remotely. Changes to the information listed in Paragraphs (1)(a) through (c) must be processed in person.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 375-3-1-.13
O.C.G.A. Sec. 40-5-4.
Original Rule entitled "Changes to Customer Information" adopted. F. Oct. 30, 2009; eff. Nov. 19, 2009. Amended: F. Mar. 30, 2012; eff. Apr. 19, 2012.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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