Subject 375-3-1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS

  1. Rule 375-3-1-.01 - Assignment of Customer Identification Number
  2. Rule 375-3-1-.02 - Applications and Supporting Documentation
  3. Rule 375-3-1-.03 - Organization
  4. Rule 375-3-1-.04 - Licenses Restricted as to Use for Physical Impairment
  5. Rule 375-3-1-.05 - Reciprocity for Valid Licenses Issued by other Jurisdictions
  6. Rule 375-3-1-.06 - Vision Examination
  7. Rule 375-3-1-.07 - Knowledge Tests
  8. Rule 375-3-1-.08 - Oral Examination
  9. Rule 375-3-1-.09 - Sequence for Prerequisites to Driving Demonstration
  10. Rule 375-3-1-.10 - Driving Ability Demonstration
  11. Rule 375-3-1-.11 - Test Vehicle
  12. Rule 375-3-1-.12 - Re-Examination Upon Failure
  13. Rule 375-3-1-.13 - Changes to Customer Information
  14. Rule 375-3-1-.14 - Verification of Customer Information. Revised
  15. Rule 375-3-1-.15 - Photographs on Cards or Credentials Issued by the Department
  16. Rule 375-3-1-.16 - Eligibility for Veterans' or Honorary Driver's License and Identification Card
  17. Rule 375-3-1-.17 - Changing Gender on License
  18. Rule 375-3-1-.18 - National Driver Register
  19. Rule 375-3-1-.19 - Testing and MVR Requirements After Expiration of License
  20. Rule 375-3-1-.20 - Inmate Drivers Certificate
  21. Rule 375-3-1-.21 - Distinctive Driver's License, Permit, and Identification Card for Persons Under Age Twenty-One (21)
  22. Rule 375-3-1-.22 - Disposition of DUI Citation
  23. Rule 375-3-1-.23 - Application for Personal Identification Cards
  24. Rule 375-3-1-.24 - Name on License or Identification Card
  25. Rule 375-3-1-.25 - Restricted Instructional Permit for Child with Disabled Parent. Revised
  26. Rule 375-3-1-.26 - Non-Commercial Class E and F Driver's Licenses
  27. Rule 375-3-1-.27 - Proving Identity Using a Birth Certificate from Puerto Rico
  28. Rule 375-3-1-.28 - Requests for Medical Alert Information
  29. Rule 375-3-1-.29 - Replacement of Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Cards
  30. Rule 375-3-1-.30 - Exceptions Process
  31. Rule 375-3-1-.31 - Satisfaction of School Requirements for Customers Under Age Eighteen (18)
  32. Rule 375-3-1-.32 - Eligibility for Active-Duty National Guard Driver's License and Identification Card
  33. Rule 375-3-1-.33 - Term of Receipt for Online Issuance
  34. Rule 375-3-1-.34 - Applications of Minors
  35. Rule 375-3-1-.35 - Open Records Requests
  36. Rule 375-3-1-.36 - Fees for Driver's Licenses, Instruction Permits, Identification Cards, and Temporary Driving Permits
  37. Rule 375-3-1-.37 - Video Recording, Photography, and Solicitation at DDS Facilities

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.