Idaho Admin. Code r. - DEFINITIONS

In addition to the definitions set forth in Sections 71-108 and 71-401, Idaho Code, the following definitions apply to this rule:

01. Alcohol. A volatile flammable liquid having the general formula CnH (2n+1) OH used or sold for the purpose of blending or mixing with gasoline for use in motor vehicles, and commonly or commercially known or sold as an alcohol, including ethanol and methanol.
02. Biodiesel. A fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, designated B100.
03. Biodiesel Blends. A fuel comprised of a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel, designated BXX. In the abbreviation BXX, the XX represents the volume percentage of biodiesel fuel in the blend.
04. Certificate of Conformance. A document issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology based on testing in participating laboratories, said document constituting evidence of conformance of a type with the requirements of National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbooks 44, 105-1, 105-2, 105-3.
05. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Natural Gas which has been compressed and dispensed into fuel storage containers and is suitable for use as an engine fuel.
06. Commercial Weighing and Measuring Device. Any weight or measure or weighing or measuring device commercially used or employed in establishing the size, quantity, extent, area or measurement of quantities, things, product, or articles for distribution or consumption, purchased, offered or submitted for sale, hire, or award, or in computing any basic charge or payment for services rendered on the basis of weight or measure, and must also include any accessory attached to or used in connection with a commercial weighing or measuring device when such accessory is so designed or installed that its operation affects, or may affect, the accuracy of the device.
07. Co-Solvent. An alcohol or any other chemical with higher molecular weight than methanol or ethanol which is blended with either or both to prevent phase separation in gasoline.
08. Diesel Gallon Equivalent (DGE). Equivalent to six point three hundred eighty-four thousandths (6.384) pounds of compressed natural gas or six point fifty-nine thousandths (6.059) pounds of liquefied natural gas.
09. Ethanol. Ethyl alcohol, a flammable liquid having the formula C2H5OH used or sold for the purpose of blending or mixing with gasoline for use in motor vehicles, and commonly or commercially known or sold as ethanol or ethyl alcohol.
10. Gasoline. Any fuel sold for use in motor vehicles and commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline whether leaded or unleaded.
11. Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE). Equivalent to five point six hundred sixty thousandths (5.660) pounds (two point five hundred sixty-seven thousandths (2.567) kilograms) of compressed natural gas.
12. Gasoline Liter Equivalent (GLE). Equivalent to one point four hundred ninety-five thousandths (1.495) pounds (zero point six hundred seventy-eight thousandths (0.678) kilograms) of compressed natural gas.
13. Gasoline-Oxygenate Blend. For labeling purposes, any spark-ignition motor fuel containing one percent (1%) or more by volume of oxygenates or combination of oxygenates, such as but not restricted to ethanol, methanol, or methyl-tertiary-butyl ether.
14. Label. Any written, printed, or graphic matter affixed to, applied to, attached to, blown into, formed, molded into, embossed on, or appearing upon or adjacent to a consumer commodity or a package containing any consumer commodity, for purposes of branding, identifying, or giving any information with respect to the commodity or to the contents of the package, except an inspector's tag or other non-promotional matter affixed to or appearing upon a consumer commodity will not be deemed to be a label requiring the repetition of label information required by this rule.
15. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Natural gas that has been liquefied at minus one hundred sixty-two degrees Celsius (-162 °C) (minus two hundred sixty degrees Fahrenheit (-260 °F)) and stored in insulated cryogenic tanks for use as an engine fuel.
16. Methanol. Methyl alcohol, a flammable liquid having the formula CH3OH used or sold for the purpose of blending or mixing with gasoline for use in motor vehicles, and commonly or commercially known or sold as methanol or methyl alcohol.
17. Motor Vehicles. Include all vehicles, vessels, watercraft, engines, machines, or mechanical contrivances that are propelled by internal combustion engines or motors.
18. Multi-Unit Package. A package containing two (2) or more individual packages of the same commodity, in the same quantity, with the individual packages intended to be sold as part of the multi-unit package but capable of being individually sold in full compliance with all requirements of this rule.
19. National Type Evaluation Program. A program of cooperation between the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Conference on Weights and Measures, the states, and the private sector for determining, on a uniform basis, conformance of a type with the relevant provisions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44, "Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices," National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 105-1, "Specifications and Tolerances for Reference Standards and Field Standard Weights and Measures, Specifications and Tolerances for Field Standard Weights (NIST Class F)," National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 105-2, "Specifications and Tolerances for Reference Standards and Field Standard Weights and Measures, Specifications and Tolerances for Field Standard Measuring Flask," or National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 105-3, "Specifications and Tolerances for Reference Standards and Field Standard Weights and Measures, Specifications and Tolerances for Graduated Neck Type Volumetric Field Standards."
20. Package. Any commodity put up or packaged in any manner in advance of sale in units suitable for either wholesale or retail sale.
21. Participating Laboratory. Any State Measurement Laboratory that has been certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in accordance with its program for the Certification of Capability of State Measurement Laboratories, to conduct a type of evaluation under the National Type Evaluation Program.
22. Principal Display Panel or Panels. That part, or those parts, of a label that is, or are, so designed as to most likely be displayed, presented, shown, or examined under normal and customary conditions of display and purchase. Wherever a principal display panel appears more than once on a package, all requirements pertaining to the "principal display panel" shall pertain to all such "principal display panels."
23. Random Package. A package that is one (1) of a lot, shipment, or delivery of packages of the same consumer commodity with varying weights; that is, packages of the same consumer commodity with no fixed pattern of weight.
24. Registered Service Agency. Any agency, firm, company or corporation which, for hire, award, commission or any other payment of any kind, installs, services, repairs or reconditions a commercial weighing or measuring device, and which voluntarily registers itself as such with the Bureau of Weights and Measures. Under agency registration, identification of individual servicemen is required.
25. Registered Serviceman. Any individual who for hire, award, commission or any other payment of any kind, installs, services, repairs or reconditions a commercial weighing or measuring device, and who voluntarily registers himself as such with the Bureau of Weights and Measures.
26. Retail Dealer. Any person who owns, operates, controls, or supervises an establishment at which gasoline is sold or offered for sale to the public.
27. Sale from Bulk. The sale of commodities when the quantity is determined at the time of sale.
28. Spark-Ignition Motor Fuel. Gasoline and its blends with oxygenates such as co-solvent and ethers (also "spark-ignition engine fuel").
29. Type. A model or models of a particular measurement system, instrument, element or a field standard that positively identifies the design. A specific type may vary in its measurement ranges, size, performance, and operating characteristics as specified in the Certificate of Conformance.
30. Type Evaluation. The testing, examination, and evaluation of a type by a participating laboratory under the National Type Evaluation Program.
31. Wholesale Dealer. Any person engaged in the sale of gasoline to others who the seller knows or has reasonable cause to believe intends to resell the gasoline in the same or an altered form to another.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective March 15, 2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.