01. Location. Non-consumer packages must bear on the outside a declaration of the net quantity of contents. Such declaration must be in terms of the largest whole unit (see Subsection 171.01 Largest Whole Unit).
02. Terms -- Weight, Liquid Measure, or Count. The declaration of the quantity of a particular commodity must be expressed in terms of liquid measure if the commodity is liquid, or in terms of weight if the commodity is solid, semisolid, viscous, or a mixture of solid and liquid, or in terms of numerical count. However, if there exists a firmly established general consumer usage and trade custom with respect to the terms used in expressing a declaration of quantity of a particular commodity, such declaration of quantity may be expressed in its traditional terms, if such traditional declaration gives accurate and adequate information as to the quantity of the commodity.
03. Units -- Weight, Measure. A declaration of quantity:
a. In units of weight must be in terms of the avoirdupois pound or ounce;
b. In units of liquid measure must be in terms of the United States gallon of two hundred thirty-one (231) cubic inches or liquid-quart, liquid-pint, or fluid-ounce subdivisions of the gallon, and must express the volume at sixty-eight (68) degrees F, twenty (20) degrees C, except in the case of petroleum products, for which the declaration must express the volume at sixty (60) degrees F, fifteen point six (15.6) degrees C, and except also in the case of a commodity that is normally sold and consumed while frozen for which the declaration must express the volume at the frozen temperature, and except also in the case of a commodity that is normally sold in the refrigerated state, for which the declaration must express the volume at forty (40) degrees F, four (4) degrees C;
c. In units of linear measure must be in terms of the yard, foot, or inch;
d. In units of area measure, must be in terms of the square yard, square foot, or square inch;
e. In units of dry measure shall be in terms of the United States bushel of two thousand one hundred fifty and forty-two one hundredths (2,150.42) cubic inches, or peck, dry-quart and dry-pint subdivisions of the bushel;
f. In units of cubic measure must be in terms of the cubic yard, cubic foot, or cubic inch, provided that nothing in this subsection prohibits the labeling of non-consumer packages in terms of units on the metric system.
04. Abbreviations. Any generally accepted abbreviation of a unit name may be employed in the quantity statement on a non-consumer package of commodity. (For commonly accepted abbreviations, see Subsection 171.08, Abbreviations.)
05. Character of Declaration -- Average. The average quantity of contents in the non-consumer package of a particular lot, shipment, or delivery must at least equal the declared quantity, and no unreasonable shortage in any package is permitted, even though overages in other packages in the same shipment, delivery, or lot compensate for such shortage.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective March 15, 2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.