Idaho Admin. Code r. - EXEMPTIONS
General. Whenever any consumer commodity or package of consumer commodity is exempted from the requirements for dual quantity declaration, the net quantity declaration required to appear on the package must be in terms of the largest whole unit (except see Subsection 220.04.c., Multi-Unit Packages).
Random Packages. A random package bearing a label conspicuously declaring:
a. The net weight;
b. The price per pound, or other unit of weight, measure or count; and
c. The total price is exempt from the type size, dual declaration, placement, and free area requirements of this rule. In the case of a random package packed at one place for subsequent sale at another, neither the price per unit of weight nor the total selling price need appear on the package, provided the package label includes both such prices at the time it is offered or exposed for sale at retail. This exemption also applies to uniform weight packages of cheese and cheese products labeled in the same manner and by the same type of equipment as random packages exempted by this section.
Small Confections. Individually wrapped pieces of "penny candy" and other confectionery of less than one-half (1/2) ounce net weight per individual piece is exempt from the labeling requirements of this rule when the container in which such confectionery is shipped is in conformance with the labeling requirements of this rule. Similarly, when such confectionery items are sold in bags or boxes, such items are exempt from the labeling requirements of this rule including the required declaration of net quantity of contents, when the declaration of the bag or box meets the requirements of this rule.
Individual Servings. Individual-serving-size packages of foods containing less than one-half (1/2) ounce or less than one-half (1/2) fluid ounce for use in restaurants, institutions, and passenger carriers, and not intended for sale at retail, are exempt from the required declaration of net quantity of contents specified in this rule.
Cuts, Plugs, and Twists of Tobacco and Cigars. When individual cuts, plugs, and twists of tobacco and individual cigars are shipped or delivered in containers that conform to the labeling requirements of this rule, such individual cuts, plugs, and twists of tobacco and cigars are exempt from such labeling requirements.
Reusable (Returnable) Glass Containers. Nothing in this rule is deemed to preclude the continued use of reusable (returnable) glass containers; provide, that such glass containers ordered after the effective date of this rule must conform to all requirements of this rule.
Cigarettes and Small Cigars. Cartons of cigarettes and small cigars, containing ten (10) individual packages of twenty (20), labeled in accordance with the requirements of this rule are exempt from the requirements set forth in Subsection 200.02, Location, Subsection 200.08, Minimum Height of Numbers and Letters, and Subsection 220.04, Multi-Unit Packages, provided that such cartons bear a declaration of the net quantity of commodity in the package.
Packaged Commodities with Labeling Requirements Specified in Federal Law. Packages of meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products, tobacco and tobacco products, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, alcoholic beverages, and seeds are exempt from the requirements set forth in Subsection 172.03, Weight: Dual Quantity Declaration; Subsection 172.04, Fluid Measure: Dual Quantity Declaration; Subsection 172.05, Length Measure: Dual Quantity Declaration; Subsection 172.06, Area Measure: Dual Quantity Declaration; Subsection 200.02, Location; and Subsection 200.08, Minimum Height of Numbers and Letters, provided that quantity labeling requirements for such products are specified in Federal Law, so as to follow reasonably sound principles of providing consumer information.
Fluid Dairy Products, Ice Cream, and Similar Frozen Desserts.
a. When packaged in one-half (1/2) liquid pint and one-half (1/2) gallon containers, are exempt from the requirements for stating net contents of eight (8) fluid ounces and sixty-four (64) fluid ounces, which may be expressed as one-half (1/2) pint and one-half (1/2) gallon, respectively.
b. When packaged in one (1) liquid pint, one (1) liquid quart, and one-half (1/2) gallon containers, are exempt from the dual net contents declaration requirements of Subsection 172.04, Fluid Measure: Dual Quantity Declaration.
c. When measured by and packaged in one-half (1/2) liquid pint, one (1) liquid pint, one (1) liquid quart, one-half (1/2) gallon and one (1) gallon measure containers as defined in "Measure Container Code of National Bureau of Standards, or its successor organization, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Handbook 44," are exempt from the requirement of Subsection 200.02, Location, that the declaration of net contents be located within the bottom thirty percent (30%) of the principal display panel.
d. Milk and milk products when measured by and packaged in glass or plastic containers of one-half (1/2) liquid pint, one (1) liquid pint, one (1) liquid quart, one-half (1/2) gallon, and one (1) gallon capacities are exempt from the placement requirement of Subsection 200.02, Location, that the declaration of net contents be located within the bottom thirty percent (30%) of the principal display panel, provided that other required label information is conspicuously displayed on the cap or outside closure, and the required net quantity of contents declaration is conspicuously blown, formed, or molded on, or permanently applied to that part of the glass or plastic container that is at or above the shoulder of the container.
Single Strength and Less Than Single Strength Fruit Juice Beverages, Imitations Thereof, and Drinking Water.
a. When packaged in glass, plastic, or fluid milk type paper containers of eight (8) and sixty-four (64) fluid ounce capacity, are exempt from the requirements of Subsection 171.07.b., Units: Weight, Measure, to the extent that net contents of eight (8) fluid ounces and sixty-four (64) fluid ounces (or two (2) quarts) may be expressed as one-half (1/2) pint (or half pint) and one-half (1/2) gallon (or half gallon), respectively.
b. When packaged in glass, plastic, or fluid milk type paper containers of one (1) pint, one (1) quart, and one-half (1/2) gallon capacities, are exempt from the dual net contents declaration requirements of Subsection 172.04, Fluid Measure: Dual Quantity Declaration.
c. When packaged in glass or plastic containers of one-half (1/2) pint, one (1) pint, one (1) quart, one (1/2) gallon, and one (1) gallon capacities, are exempt from the placement requirement of Subsection 200.02, Location, that the declaration of net contents be located within the bottom thirty percent (30%) of the principal display panel; provided that other required label information is conspicuously displayed on the cap or outside closure and the required net quantity of contents declaration is conspicuously blown, formed, or molded into or permanently applied to that part of the glass or plastic container that is at or above the shoulder of the container.
Soft-Drink Bottles. Bottles of soft drinks are exempt from the placement requirements for the declaration of:
a. Identity, when such declaration appears on the bottle closure; and
b. Quantity, when such declaration is blown, formed, or molded on or above the shoulder of the container and when all other information required by this rule appears only on the bottle closure.
Multi-Unit Soft Drink Packages. Multi-unit packages of soft drinks are exempt from the requirement for a declaration of:
a. Responsibility, when such declaration appears on the individual units and is not obscured by the multi-unit packaging, or when the outside container bears a statement to the effect that such declaration will be found on the individual units inside; and
b. Identity, when such declaration appears on the individual units and is not obscured by the multi-unit packaging.
Butter. When packaged in four (4) ounce, eight (8) ounce, and one (1) pound units with continuous label copy wrapping, butter is exempt from the requirements that the statement of identity (Subsection 170.01) and the net quantity declaration (Subsection 200.06) be generally parallel to the base of the package. When packaged in eight (8) ounce and one (1) pound units, butter is exempt from the requirement for location (Subsection 200.02) of net quantity declaration and, when packaged in one (1) pound units, is exempt from the requirement for dual quantity declaration (Subsection 172.03).
Eggs. Carton containing twelve (12) eggs are exempt from the requirement for location (Subsection 200.02) of net quantity declaration. When such cartons are designed to permit division in half, each half (1/2) are exempt from the labeling requirements of this rule if the undivided carton conforms to all such requirements.
Flour. Packages of wheat flour packaged in units of two (2), five (5), ten (10), twenty-five (25), fifty (50), and one-hundred (100) pounds are exempt from the requirement in this rule or location (Subsection 200.02) of the net quantity declaration and, when packaged in units of two (2) pounds, are exempt also from requirement for a dual quantity declaration (Subsection 172.03).
Small Packages. On a principal display panel of five (5) square inches or less, the declaration of quantity need not appear in the bottom thirty (30%) of the principal display panel if that declaration satisfies the other requirements of this rule.
Decorative Containers. The principal display panel of a cosmetic marketed in a "boudoir-type" container including decorative cosmetic containers of the "cartridge," "pill box," "compact," or "pencil" variety, and those with a capacity of one-fourth (1/4) ounce or less, may be a tear-away tag or tape affixed to the decorative container and bearing the mandatory label information as required by this rule.
Combination Packages. Combination packages are exempt from the requirements in this rule for:
a. Location (see Subsection 200.02);
b. Free area (see Subsection 200.05); and
c. Minimum height of numbers and letters (see Subsection 200.08).
Margarine. Margarine in one (1) pound rectangular packages, except for packages containing whipped or soft margarine or packages containing more than four (4) sticks, is exempt from the requirement in this rule for location (see Subsection 200.02) of the net quantity declaration, and is exempt from the requirement for a dual quantity declaration (see Subsection 172.03).
Corn Flour. Corn flour packaged in conventional five (5), ten (10), twenty-five (25), fifty (50), and one-hundred (100) pound bags is exempt from the requirement in this rule for location (see Subsection 200.02) of the net quantity declaration.
Prescription and Insulin Containing Drugs. Prescription and insulin containing drugs subject to the provisions of Section 503(b)(1) or 506 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are exempt from the provisions of this rule.
Camera Film. Camera film packaged and labeled for retail sale is exempt from the net quantity statement requirements of this rule which specify how measurement of commodities should be expressed, provided that:
a. The net quantity of contents on packages of movie film and bulk still film is expressed in terms of the number of lineal feet of usable film contained therein.
b. The net quantity of contents on packages of still film is expressed in terms of the number of exposures the contents will provide. The length and width measurements of the individual exposures, expressed in millimeters or inches, are authorized as an optional statement. (Example: "36 exposures, 36 x 24 mm" or "12 exposures, 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 in").
Paints and Kindred Products. Paints, varnishes, lacquers, thinners, removers, oils, resins, and solvents, when packed in one (1) liquid pint and one (1) liquid quart units are exempt from the dual quantity declaration requirements of Subsection 172.04.
Automotive Cooling System Antifreeze. Antifreeze, when packed in one (1) liquid quart units, in metal or plastic containers, is exempt from the dual quantity declaration requirements of Subsection 172.04.
Motor Oils. Motor oils, when packed in one (1) liquid quart units, are exempt from the dual quantity declaration requirements of Subsection 172.04. Additionally, motor oil in one (1) liquid quart, one (1) gallon, one and one-fourth (1-1/4) gallon, two (2) gallon, and two and one-half (2-1/2) gallon units, bearing the principal display panel on the body of the container, is exempt from the requirements of Subsection 170.01 through 170.03. Identity, to the extent that the SAE grade is required to appear on the principal display panel, provided the SAE grade appears on the can lid and is expressed in letters and numerals in type size of at least one-fourth (1/4) inch.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.