Idaho Admin. Code r. - DEFINITIONS

01. Actual Use. Actual use constitutes when a liquor license is issued to a licensee and legitimate sales of liquor by the drink are being made on a weekly basis.
02. Business. Business means any operation to carry out the normal day to day activities to exercise the privilege of holding a liquor license and operating a premises, as defined in Section 23-902(15), Idaho Code, for the purposes of Section 23-903(16)(d) (15-18), Idaho Code.
03. Licensed Premises. Any premises for which a license has been issued under any of the provisions of Title 23, Chapters 9, 10 or 13, Idaho Code. All areas included on the floor plan submitted to the Director with the licensee's application for a license constitute the licensed premises.
04. Multipurpose Arena.
a. For purposes of Section 23-944(3), Idaho Code, a Multipurpose Arena is a:
i. Publicly or privately owned or operated arena, coliseum, stadium, or other facility where sporting events, concerts, live entertainment, community events, and other functions are presented for a ticketed price of admission or one whose premises are leased for private events such as receptions;
ii. Facility that is licensed to sell liquor by the drink at retail for consumption upon the premises; and
iii. Facility that has been endorsed by the director.
b. A Multipurpose Arena facility must apply annually for an endorsement on its alcohol beverage license.
c. To receive a Multipurpose Arena endorsement under this Section will require the facility to have food available including, but not limited to, hamburgers, sandwiches, salads, or other snack food. The director may also restrict the type of events at a Multipurpose Arena facility at which beer, wine, and liquor by the drink may be served. The director will also consider the seating accommodations, eating facilities, and circulation patterns in such a facility, and other amenities available at a Multipurpose Arena facility before the director will endorse the license.
d. A licensee that applies for a Multipurpose Arena endorsement must submit with the application an operating/security plan to the director and the local law enforcement agency for review and approval. Once approved, the plan remains in effect until the licensee requests a change or the director determines that a change is necessary due to demonstrated problems or conditions not previously considered or adequately addressed in the original plan. The plan must be submitted in a format designated by the director and contain all of the following elements:
i. How the Multipurpose Arena facility will prevent the sale and service of alcohol to persons under twenty-one (21) years of age and those who appear to be intoxicated;
ii. The ratio of alcohol service staff and security staff to the size of the audiences at events where alcohol is being served;
iii. Training provided to staff who serve, regulate, or supervise the service of alcohol;
iv. The facility's policy on the number of alcoholic beverages that will be served to an individual patron during one (1) transaction;
v. A list of event type/categories to be held in the facility at which alcohol service is planned, along with a request for the level of alcohol service at each event; and
vi. Diagrams and designation of alcohol service areas for each type of event category with identified restrictions of minors.
e. Prior to the first of each month, the licensee must provide a schedule of events for the upcoming month to the director and local law enforcement office showing the date and time of each event during which alcohol service is planned. The licensee must notify the director and local law enforcement at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any events where alcohol service is planned that were not included in the monthly schedule.
f. To prevent persons who are under twenty-one (21) years of age or who appear intoxicated from gaining access to alcohol, the director may require that an operating plan include additional mandatory requirements if it is determined that the plan does not effectively prevent violations of liquor laws and regulations, particularly those that prevent persons under twenty-one (21) years of age or who are apparently intoxicated from obtaining alcohol.
g. If premises, licensed as a Multipurpose Arena, subsequently ceases to meet the qualifications of a Multipurpose Arena, the restrictions contained in Section 23-943, Idaho Code, apply and the posting of signs as provided for in Section 23-945, Idaho Code, is required. The licensee shall advise the director, by mail, that his premises no longer constitute a Multipurpose Arena, so that the license may be modified accordingly.
05. Owner. An owner as stated in Section 23-903 subsections 16-18, Idaho Code, may hold the privilege to a license as between that person and the state of Idaho, and is subject to the qualifications and restrictions contained in Idaho Code Chapters 9, 10 and 13 of Title 23.
06. Partition. A partition, as used in Section 23-944 Idaho Code, is defined as a structure separating the place from the remainder of the premises. Access through the structure to the place will be controlled to prevent minors from entering the place. The structure must be:
a. Permanently fixed from the premises ceiling to the premises floor.
b. Made or constructed of solid material such as glass, wood, metal or a combination of those products.
c. Designed to prevent an alcoholic beverage from being passed over, under or through the structure.
d. All partitions must be approved by the Director.
07. Place. For the purposes of Section 23-943, Idaho Code, "Place" as defined by Section 23-942(b), for a one (1) room restaurant without a barrier or partition, refers to the immediate bar area wherein there is seating alongside a counter or barrier that encloses bar supplies and equipment that are kept, and where alcoholic beverages are mixed, poured, drawn or served for consumption.
08. Restaurant. The term Restaurant, found in Sections 23-903c and 23-942(c), Idaho Code, is further defined as an establishment maintained, advertised and held out to the public as primarily a food eating establishment, where individually priced meals are prepared and regularly served to the public, primarily for on-premises consumption. The establishment must also have a dining room or rooms, kitchen and cooking facilities for the preparation of food, and the number, and type of employees normally used in the preparing, cooking and serving of meals. Primarily as defined for the purposes of this section, also includes that the licensee must show to the director the following:
a. An established menu identifying the individually priced meals for consumption;
b. Food service and preparation occurs on the premises by establishment employees;
c. Stoves, ovens, refrigeration equipment or such other equipment usually and normally found in restaurants are located on the premises of the establishment;
d. The licensee must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, through appropriate business records, that the establishment is advertised and held out to the public as primarily a food-eating establishment, or that at least forty percent (40%), or at least sixty percent (60%) for resort city restaurant liquor licenses as set forth in Section 23-903c., Idaho Code, of the establishment's consumable purchases are derived from purchases of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
09. Stock Transfer. For the purposes of Section 23-908, Idaho Code, the sale or exchange of stock in a closely held corporation holding a license is deemed a transfer of the license.
10. Transfer. Any change to a person as defined in Section 23-902(13), Idaho Code, who owns, operates, or leases an alcohol beverage license as a privilege granted by ABC except the transfer conditions set forth in Section 23-903(16)(c), Idaho Code.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective July 1, 2024 (Temporary)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.