01. Transfer of License Subject to Sanctions. The Director of the Idaho State Police may deny the transfer of an alcoholic beverage license which is subject to possible disqualification, revocation or suspension under the provisions of Title 23, Chapters 9, 10, and 13, Idaho Code, or these rules, when an action has been filed to such effect before the Idaho State Police pursuant to Sections 23-933, 23-1037 or 23-1331, Idaho Code.
02. Events Not Implicating the One Transfer Law Restriction. When any of the events occur pursuant to Sections 23-908(5)(a),(b), (d), and (e), 23-903 (16-18), Idaho Code, a person must apply with ABC pursuant to Section 23-905, Idaho Code, within thirty (30) days.
a. The owner must give written notice to the agency within fifteen (15) days of the end of the license lease per Section 23-903(17), Idaho Code.
b. Any licensee that elects to apply the provisions of Section 23-903(18), Idaho Code, must notify ABC of such declaration via the lease agreement submitted with the application for transfer to the lessee.
03. Transfer Fees if Applicable. Options to purchase an incorporated city liquor license shall submit the required transfer fee when the application to transfer occurs. A refund may be requested if the option to purchase is not exercised at the end of the term.
04. Authorization to Transfer and Assignment of Privilege to Renew. Any person applying to renew a liquor license who was not the licensee at the applicable premises for the preceding year, must submit with the application to renew, a written Authorization to Transfer and Assignment of Privilege to Renew signed by the current licensee.
05. Temporary Permits. When application for transfer of an alcoholic beverage license has been made, the Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau, in its discretion, may authorize issuance of a temporary permit during the review of the application, during which time the applicant for transfer may conduct business as a temporary permit holder. The permit holder, in accepting the temporary permit, is responsible for complying with all statutes and rules pertinent to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Sanctions against such permit holder, whether civil, administrative, or criminal lies with the permittee, and acceptance of the permit constitutes a waiver of any defenses by permit holder based upon the fact that the permit holder is not, technically, a licensee. The Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau may withdraw a temporary permit it has issued pursuant to this rule at any time without hearing or notice.
06. Product Replacement and Credit. Any beer or wine products removed from the licensed retailer's premises by a wholesaler/distributor for quality control or public health are not considered to be a violation of Section 23-1033 or 23-1325, Idaho Code, which prohibit aid to the retailer or of Sections 23-1031 or 23-1326, Idaho Code, which prohibit extension of credit to a retailer, if:
a. The packages or kegs are replaced with identical product and quantity; or
b. In the instance of replacement of a partial keg of beer or wine, a credit to be redeemed on subsequent alcoholic beverage purchases by the retailer is given for the value of the unused portion; or
c. In the instance of removal of product for which the identical product or quantity thereof is not immediately available to the wholesaler/distributor at the time of removal of the product, a credit is given. The credit shall be redeemed on subsequent alcoholic beverage purchases by the retailer; or
d. In the case of a licensed establishment which is in operation no less than two (2) months and no more than nine (9) months of each year, prior to its period of closure, it is apparent that product will become outdated or spoiled before the date of re-opening, a wholesaler/distributor may remove product from the retailer's premises and may give a credit to the retailer. Such credit shall be redeemed on subsequent alcoholic beverage purchases by the same retailer.
e. Credit is given to a retailer for the amount paid by the retailer at the time of purchase of the product being removed by the wholesaler/distributor.
07. Expiration of Licenses. When a county or city has, pursuant to Sections 23-927 and/or 23-1012, Idaho Code, passed an ordinance extending the hours of sale of liquor and/or beer to two o'clock a.m. (2:00 a.m.), all liquor and/or beer licenses in that county expire at two a.m. (2 a.m.), on the first of the renewal month of the year following their issuance. (Section 23-908(1), Idaho Code).
08. Maintenance of Keg Receipts. Licensees shall retain a copy of all completed keg receipts required by Section 23-1018, Idaho Code, for a period of six (6) months.
09. Continuous Operation Facilities Licenses. An existing license issued under Section 23-903(8), Idaho Code, before July 1, 2028, may be renewed annually and may be transferable through sale or lease.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective July 1, 2024 (Temporary)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.