Idaho Admin. Code r. - PRIORITY LISTS

01. Priority Lists for Incorporated City and Resort City Restaurant Liquor Licenses. The Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau maintains a priority list of applicants for those cities in which no incorporated city liquor license is available. A separate list is maintained for each city. A person, partnership, or corporation desiring to be placed on a priority list shall file a completed application for liquor license, accompanied by payment of one-half (1/2) of the annual license fee. Such application need not show any particular building or premises upon which the liquor is to be sold, nor that the applicant is the holder of any license to sell beer. Priority on the list is determined by the earliest application, and each succeeding application is placed on the list in the order received.
02. Written Notification. When an incorporated city or a resort city restaurant liquor license becomes available Alcohol Beverage Control offers it in writing to the applicant whose name appears first on the priority list. The applicant shall have ten (10) days from the date of the receipt of the Notice of License Availability to declare their intention to accept the license. If the applicant fails to comply with this requirement, the license is offered to the next applicant in priority.
a. An applicant accepting the incorporated city license shall have a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of receipt of Notice of License Availability in which to complete all requirements necessary for the issuance of the license. Provided, however, that upon a showing of good cause the Director of the Idaho State Police may extend the time period in which to complete the necessary requirements for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days.
b. An applicant accepting the resort city restaurant license shall have a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of Notice of License Availability in which to complete all requirements necessary for the issuance of the license. No extensions will be allowed for this license type.
03. Refusal to Accept Offer of License or Failure to Complete Application for License.
a. Where a resort city restaurant liquor license is available, an applicant must choose one (1) of the following:
i. To remain on the priority waiting list for an incorporated city license;
ii. Proceed with the application for the resort city restaurant liquor license; or
iii. Request a refund of the priority waiting list fee.
b. An applicant who refuses a license offered under these rules or an applicant who is unable to meet the statutory requirements for licensing, or to complete the application may have their name placed at the end of the priority list upon request.
c. An applicant holding first place on the priority list who refuses or fails to accept either license type or to complete the application within the time specified, that applicant will be removed from the priority list, the fee shall be refunded, and the license offered to the applicant appearing next on the list.
04. Limitations on Priority Lists. An applicant shall hold only one position at a time on each incorporated city priority list. An applicant must be able to demonstrate to the Director the ability to place an awarded license into actual use as required by Section 23-908(4), Idaho Code and these rules. An applicant for a place on an incorporated city liquor license priority list may not execute an inter vivos transfer or assignment of his place on the priority lists. For the purposes of this rule, "inter vivos transfer or assignment" means the substitution of any individual; partnership; corporation, including a wholly owned corporation; organization; association; or any other entity for the original applicant on the waiting list. An attempt to assign inter vivos a place on an incorporated city liquor license priority list shall result in the removal of the name of the applicant from the lists. An applicant, however, may assign his or her place on an alcoholic liquor license priority list by devise or bequest in a valid will. A place on an incorporated city liquor license priority list becomes part of an applicant's estate upon his or her death.
05. Priority Lists Where Licenses Are Available. The Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau will not maintain a list for a city in which a liquor license is available, nor for a city that does not permit retail sale of liquor.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective July 1, 2024 (Temporary)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.