01. Over/Under Clubs. Minors cannot enter, remain or loiter in any licensed establishment that sells alcoholic beverages by the drink, or where drinking alcohol is the predominant activity, or where an environment is created in which drinking alcohol appears to be the predominant activity. This includes an establishment that provides entertainment and whose primary source of revenue comes from the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, or cover charges, or both.
02. Posting of Age Restriction Signs. Sections 23-945 and 23-1026, Idaho Code, require every alcoholic beverage licensee to post an age restriction sign. Such sign must contain the following words in lettering of at least one (1) inch in height: "Admittance of persons under twenty-one (21) years of age prohibited by law." Such sign must be placed conspicuously over or on the door of each entrance to the licensed premises and be clearly visible from the exterior approached to such premises.
03. Counterfeit or Altered Age Documents. If alcoholic beverage licensees, their employees, or agents receive age identification documents which have been lost or voluntarily surrendered, they shall deliver the documents to an agent or investigator of the Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau or to other law enforcement officials within fifteen (15) days from the date they were received, found or voluntarily surrenders. When identification documents that appear to be mutilated, altered or fraudulent are presented to a licensee, their employees or agents, they must contact law enforcement and/or refuse service.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective March 23, 2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.