01. Recertification in Clinical Nutrition Every Three (3) Years. After Initial certification in clinical nutrition, chiropractic physicians must recertify in clinical nutrition every three (3) years in order to maintain clinical nutrition certification.
02. Annual Verification of Meeting Requirements. In order to maintain clinical nutrition certification pursuant to Section 54-717, Idaho Code, and Section 700, chiropractic physicians having clinical nutrition certification must annually verify, along with their chiropractic license renewal, pursuant to Subsection 706.01 by attesting to the Board they are in compliance with the requirements to recertify in clinical nutrition the following:
a. Completion within the three (3) years prior to recertification of a twelve (12) hour in person face to face classroom course from an institution and program meeting Section 702.04 accreditation requirements. The course must include both didactic education and practical review and practice of contemporary developments and best practices to maintain core competency in the practice of clinical nutrition as set forth in Section 54-716, Idaho Code, and Section 54-717, Idaho Code.
b. Current licensure as a chiropractic physician issued by the Board meeting the requirements of Section 702.
c. Current health care provider CPR and BLS certification and that BLS equipment is maintained on the premises where clinical nutrition treatment is performed pursuant to Section 702.
d. They possess and will provide to patients informed consent documentation that explains the benefits and potential risks of the specific course of intravenous or injectable nutrition therapy that is being proposed and that the physician will in advance obtain from the patient written voluntary permission to perform the proposed therapy in accordance with Section 54-717(7), Idaho Code.
03. Recertification is in Addition to Required Annual Continuing Education. The twelve (12) hour recertification course requirement is in addition to the annual eighteen (18) hours of continuing education required under Section 350.
04. Failure to Timely Recertify in Clinical Nutrition. Clinical nutrition certification not timely recertified in accordance with Section 706 expires and is canceled. Clinical nutrition certification canceled for failure to recertify may be reissued within three (3) years in accordance with Section 704.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective March 28, 2023

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.