For an inspection may to take place:

01. Access. All machine rooms and spaces must be free of dirt and debris and have any obstacles to access removed.
02. Technician on Site. An elevator technician and fire alarm technician must be present on site to restore elevator and fire alarm systems.
03. Installation. The elevator installation must be complete and safe for inspection. Equipment, components, or systems installed on the conveyance must function in accordance with design and code requirements. If equipment, components, or systems are installed that are not required by the currently adopted code, they must function properly or be removed.
04. Inspection Fees. Inspection fees for elevators are assessed and collected according to the schedule listed in Section 39-8616, Idaho Code, except that reinspection fees for all types of conveyances is one hundred dollars ($100) for the first hour of inspection, or portion thereof, and one hundred dollars ($100) for each hour of inspection thereafter.


Idaho Admin. Code r.
Effective March 28, 2023

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.