The facility and design standards set forth in these rules shall be applied in the review of plans and specifications for public water system facilities. If design issues are not addressed by the facility and design standards set out in these rules, then guidance documents, some of which are listed in Subsection 002.02, shall be used as guidance in the design and review of plans and specifications for public drinking water facilities. See also Section 013. (3-24-22)

01. Ownership. Documentation of the ownership and responsibility for operating the proposed system shall be made available to the Department prior to or concurrent with the submittal of plans and specifications as required in Subsection 504.03. The documentation must show organization and financial arrangements adequate to assure construction, operation and maintenance of the system according to these rules. Documentation shall also include the name of the water system, the name, address, and phone number of the supplier of water, the system size, and the name, address, and phone number of the system operator. (3-24-22)
02. Connection to an Existing System. If the proposed project is to be connected to an existing public water system, a letter from the purveyor must be submitted to the Department stating that the purveyor will be able to provide services to the proposed project. The Department may require documentation supporting the ability of the purveyor to provide service to the new system without diminishing quality of service to existing customers. This letter must be submitted prior to or concurrent with the submittal of plans and specifications as required in Subsection 504.03. (3-24-22)
03. Plans and Specifications Required. (3-24-22)
a. Prior to construction of new public drinking water systems, new drinking water systems designed to serve fifteen (15) or more service connections, or material modifications of existing public water systems, plans and specifications must be submitted to the Department for review and approval. Construction should commence as soon as practical after approval, and if construction is not completed within twelve (12) months of the Department's final approval, an extension or re-approval must be obtained from the Department. The Department may require resubmittal of all or part of the plans and specifications prior to issuing an extension or re-approving the plans and specifications. (3-24-22)
b. Plans and specifications for simple water main extensions shall not require pre-construction approval by the Department when such extensions will be owned and operated by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public utility, provided that such plans and specifications are reviewed and approved by a QLPE who was not involved in the preparation of the plans and specifications being reviewed to verify compliance with the requirements of these rules prior to initiation of construction. Any plans and specifications approved pursuant to Subsection 504.03.b. shall be transmitted to the Department at the time construction is authorized and shall be marked or stamped as "Approved for Construction." Along with the plans and specifications, the transmittal must include the items listed in Subsections 504.03.b.i. through 504.03.b.vii. The plans and specifications must bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer, and the approval or transmittal letter must be sealed, signed, and dated by the QLPE that is approving the plans and specifications. (3-24-22)
i. A statement that the author of the transmittal letter is the QLPE representing the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public entity. (3-24-22)
ii. A statement that the extension project complies with the current facility plan or preliminary engineering report, or a statement that the water system has adequate capacity. Please see Subsection 502.01.b. for further information. (3-24-22)
iii. A statement from the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public entity or its authorized agent that the water system purveyor will serve the project. (3-24-22)
iv. A statement from the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public entity or its authorized agent that the water system purveyor will own and operate the project after construction is complete. (3-24-22)
v. A statement by the QLPE that the plans and specifications are approved for construction. (3-24-22)
vi. A statement by the QLPE that the plans and specifications comply with the facility standards within these rules. (3-24-22)
vii. A statement recommending whether sanitary restrictions can be released or should remain in force. (3-24-22)
c. Subsections 504.03.c.i. through outline the projects which QLPEs may approve and which QLPEs may not approve. (3-24-22)
i. A QLPE may approve plans and specifications for simple water main extensions that are able to connect to an existing water system owned by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility at the time the extension is approved for construction by the QLPE. (3-24-22)
ii. A QLPE may approve plans for simple water main extensions which will connect to an existing water system, but are unable to connect to the system at the time the extension is approved for construction by the QLPE, provided sanitary restrictions remain in force for the proposed extension. (3-24-22)
iii. A QLPE may not approve plans and specifications which include mechanical systems such as booster stations. (3-24-22)
iv. A QLPE may not approve plans and specifications for projects which the QLPE was the design engineer or otherwise involved in the design. (3-24-22)
v. A QLPE employed by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility may approve a design that was prepared by a subordinate engineer or an engineer from a separate design group within the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility. (3-24-22)
vi. A QLPE who is not employed by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility, but is retained by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility for the purpose of plan and specification review may not approve projects designed by the company with which the QLPE is employed. (3-24-22)
d. At the discretion of the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public utility, the plans addressed by Subsection 504.03.b. may be referred to the Department for review and approval prior to initiation of construction. (3-24-22)
04. Criteria for Review. The Department shall review plans and specifications to determine compliance with these rules and engineering standards of care. If the plans and specifications comply with these rules and engineering standards of care, the Department shall not substitute its judgment for that of the owner's design engineer concerning the manner of compliance with the rule. (3-24-22)
05. Schedule for Review. The Department shall review plans and specifications and endeavor to resolve design issues within forty-two (42) calendar days of submittal such that approval can be granted. If the Department and applicant have not resolved design issues within forty-two (42) calendar days or at any time thereafter, the applicant may file a written demand to the Department for a decision. Upon receipt of such written demand, the Department shall deliver a written decision to the applicant within no more than seven (7) calendar days explaining any reasons for disapproval. The Department shall maintain records of all written demands for decision made pursuant to Subsection 504.05 with such records including the final decision rendered and the timeliness thereof. (3-24-22)
06. Engineer's Seal Required. Plans and specifications submitted to the Department shall bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal; except that the Department will accept the seal of an Idaho licensed professional geologist on the following: (3-24-22)
a. Well source, spring source, or infiltration gallery site evaluation reports, as specified in Subsections 510 and 514. (3-24-22)
b. Plans and specifications for well construction and results of field inspection and testing, as specified in Section 510. (3-24-22)
07. Contents of Plans and Specifications. Plans and specifications shall, where pertinent, provide the following: (3-24-22)
a. General layout, including: (3-24-22)
i. Suitable title. (3-24-22)
ii. Name of municipality or other entity or person responsible for the water supply. (3-24-22)
iii. Area or institution to be served. (3-24-22)
iv. Scale of drawings. (3-24-22)
v. North arrow. (3-24-22)
vi. Datum used. (3-24-22)
vii. General boundaries of municipality or area to be served. (3-24-22)
viii. Date, name, and address of the designing engineer. (3-24-22)
ix. Legible prints suitable for reproduction. (3-24-22)
x. Location and size of existing water mains, if applicable. (3-24-22)
xi. For systems undergoing material modification, location and nature of existing water works structures and appurtenances affecting the proposed improvements. (3-24-22)
b. Detailed plans, including: (3-24-22)
i. Stream crossings, providing profiles with elevations of the stream bed and the estimated normal and extreme high and, where appropriate, low water levels. (3-24-22)
ii. Location and size of the property to be used for the development with respect to known references such as roads, streams, section lines, or streets. (3-24-22)
iii. Topography and arrangement of present or planned wells or structures. (3-24-22)
iv. Elevations of the one hundred (100) year flood level in relation to the floor of structures, upper termination of protective casings, and grade surrounding facilities. (3-24-22)
v. Details of well construction, including diameter and depth of drill holes, casing and liner diameters and depths, grouting depths, elevations, and designation of geological formations, water levels and other data as specified in Section 510. (3-24-22)
vi. Location of all known existing and potential sources of pollution within five hundred (500) feet of water sources or underground treated storage facilities. (3-24-22)
vii. Size, length, and materials of proposed water mains. (3-24-22)
viii. Location of existing or proposed streets; water sources, ponds, lakes, and drains; storm sanitary, combined and house sewers; septic tanks, disposal fields and cesspools. (3-24-22)
ix. Schematic flow diagrams and hydraulic profiles showing the flow through various plant units. (3-24-22)
x. Piping in sufficient detail to show flow through the plant including waste lines. (3-24-22)
xi. Locations of all chemical storage areas, chemical feeding equipment, and points of chemical application. (3-24-22)
xii. All appurtenances, specific structures, equipment, water treatment plant waste disposal units and points of discharge having any relationship to the plans for water mains or water works structures. (3-24-22)
xiii. Locations of sanitary or other facilities, such as lavatories, showers, toilets, and lockers, when applicable or required by the Department. (3-24-22)
xiv. Locations, dimensions, and elevations of all proposed plant facilities. (3-24-22)
xv. Locations of all sampling taps owned by the water system. (3-24-22)
xvi. Adequate description of any significant features not otherwise covered by the specifications that may impact public safety or welfare. (3-24-22)
c. Complete, detailed technical specifications shall be supplied for the proposed project, including: (3-24-22)
i. A program for keeping existing water works facilities in operation during construction of additional facilities so as to minimize interruption of service. (3-24-22)
ii. Laboratory facilities and equipment. (3-24-22)
iii. Description of chemical feeding equipment. (3-24-22)
iv. Procedures for flushing, disinfection and testing, as needed, prior to placing the project in service. All wells, pipes, tanks, and equipment which can convey or store potable water shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standards, incorporated into these rules at Subsection 002.01. Plans or specifications shall outline the procedure and include the disinfectant dosage, contact time, and method of testing the results of this procedure. (3-24-22)
v. Materials or proprietary equipment for sanitary or other facilities, including any necessary backflow or back-siphonage protection. (3-24-22)
d. Complete design criteria, as set forth in these rules. (3-24-22)
e. The Department may require additional information which is not part of the construction drawings, including, but not limited to, head loss calculations, proprietary technical data, and copies of contracts. (3-24-22)
08. Notification of Material Deviations. As set forth in Subsection 504.03, during construction or modification, the reviewing authority must be notified of any material deviation from the approved plans. The reviewing authority's prior written approval is required before any material deviation is allowed. (3-24-22)
09. Record Plans and Specifications Required. (3-24-22)
a. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the completion of construction of facilities for which plans are required to be reviewed pursuant to Subsection 504.03, record plans and specifications based on information provided by the construction contractor and field observations made by the engineer or the engineer's designee depicting the actual construction of facilities performed, must be submitted to the Department by the engineer representing the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public utility that owns the project, or by the design engineer or owner-designated substitute engineer if the facilities will not be owned and operated by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public utility. Such submittal by the professional engineer must confirm material compliance with the approved plans and specifications or disclose any material deviations therefrom. If the construction does not materially deviate from the approved plans and specifications, the owner may have a statement to that effect prepared by an Idaho licensed professional engineer and filed with the Department in lieu of submitting a complete and accurate set of record drawings. (3-24-22)
b. Record plans and specifications, or a statement submitted in lieu of record plans and specifications, must bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer. (3-24-22)
c. The Department will accept the seal and signature of an Idaho licensed professional geologist on record plans and specifications, or a statement bearing the seal and signature of an Idaho licensed professional geologist in lieu of record plans and specifications, for record plans and specifications for well construction and results of field inspection and testing, as specified in Section 510. (3-24-22)
10. Exception. The Department may waive the plan and specification approval required of any particular facility or category of facilities when doing so will have no significant impact on public health or the environment. (3-24-22)
11. Requirement to Have Approved Plans and Specifications and Approval Letter On-Site During Construction. It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain one (1) copy of the approved plans and specifications and the approval letter from the reviewing authority on-site during construction at all times. (3-24-22)
12. Construction. Except as provided in Subsection 504.03.b., no construction shall commence until all of the necessary approvals have been received from the Department. The owner shall provide for the inspection of the construction of a public drinking water system facility by an Idaho licensed professional engineer to the extent required to confirm material compliance with the approved plans and to produce accurate record documents as required by Subsection 504.09. (3-24-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.